Latest tracks

Free like a butterfly – British Values resource for schools about Individual Liberty

This song is part of Soundwave Learning’s Principles for Life and Learning package for schools, teaching the value of freedom and individual liberty. We’re posting it here now in honour of Black History Month UK.

Telling the time – Maths resource for Schools and Families

Help children learn facts about telling the time. We all remember lyrics of songs from years ago even if we do not remember much else from the past. To aid children’s memory for maths processes and strategies,  beautiful, cool and memorable songs like this have been created by Soundwave learning I have the pleasure of writing some of these gems.

Perseverance – Resource for Schools

From the British Values package – Principles for Life and Learning, through the power of music, this song teaches and encourages children to persevere and keep going in everything they do.


‘Spoken’ written from the heart of MrsJK and produced by Idlewriter introduces the concept album ‘Break Free’ which is a message about the journey from being captive due to memories of sexual abuse as a child, fear, lack of self worth, grief, struggles as a parent of children with ASD and more, to breaking free and believing in one’s self and all the possibilities in life. By God’s grace we conquer and can testify that all things are possible for those who believe. No more chains.