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Worry about the future? A day in the life – Parenting Autism while climbing my mountain

July 15, 2015 8:00 pm

Do you ever worry about the future? What will my life be like? What will my children be like? Will we be ok? Yeah the usual kind of stuff. I’m not going to pretend that I don’t worry about anything but this week I was reminded that worries take care of themselves and everything has a plan and the pieces of the puzzle will be found and slot into place at the appointed time. Growing up I think I worried about everything. I didn’t have much confidence and I had very low self esteem and my worries were genuine to…

Sports day yay! A day in a life – Parenting Autism while climbing my mountain

July 7, 2015 11:25 am

Sports day hmmm… I’m not a fan of it now but I used to love it as a kid. Maybe because I was a fast little thing and usually came 1st, 2nd or 3rd in my races. I’m not a fan of it now though due to the effect it has on my kids Nae-Nae especially. JJ is at the age where he only competes in the thing he is great at and he gets to choose. So he chooses table tennis doubles competition cos with his friend partnership they the ability to wipe the floor with all the other…

A day in the life – parenting autism while climbing my mountain Pt. 1

June 30, 2015 7:08 pm

Welcome to ‘A day in the life – parenting autism while climbing my mountains.’ This blog might not be what you expect… Good! But different and unique isn’t necessarily bad. I will give you, life as it is for us, the highs the not so highs, the fun and the opposite. My hope is you will get up close to MrsJK and through my eyes gain an understanding of the treasures in my world which will hopefully spread awareness of lots of issues and possibly be an encouragement to some. I’m not here to give you advice just an insight…