Categories for Parenting

Words to inspire 241116

November 24, 2016 2:53 pm

Words to inspire: Over the last few days, lots of people in my family and those that I’m close to have celebrated their birthdays. Some are celebrating milestones like 30, 18 and 10 while others are still only little celebrating 2 years or 6 years. They are all on different parts of their journey and some of them have been through so much in such a short space of time. I give thanks for them all and I’m so blessed to be part of their journey in some way. This also made me reflect on how precious life is. We…

Words to inspire 231116

November 23, 2016 8:56 am

Words to inspire: Some of us don’t really have a choice but to be superheroes in life. We are called to be the rock in our families or the ones that hold things up. Sometimes we weren’t called to do everything though, but because we are control freaks we don’t let anyone else in to do it. Lil lady came into the bathroom this morning while I was in the shower to ask me to help her with something. She needed it done at that precise moment. I told her to ask her dad to help her. Her reply was…

Words to inspire 221116

November 22, 2016 3:34 pm

Words to inspire: When I’m driving somewhere for the first time I like to use a sat nav. Once I get used a route I don’t use the sat nav for that journey. I usually stick to one route. That’s the route I’ve learnt so that’s the way I go. When I get a little confident and have time on my hands, I might try going down another road to see where it goes but I plan ahead when doing that. So when the road I know was closed and there was a diversion I used to get annoyed because…

Words to inspire 211116

November 21, 2016 8:30 am

Words to inspire: My lil girl reminded me that yesterday was the anniversary of a day last year that I will never forget. The day some more things in my life changed. The day that I drove to work after being told everything is safe in my job role to then hear an urgent message from my manager asking me to call her. When I called her I was told there’s been a sudden change which will affect me greatly. I was at risk of redundancy. While my manager was on the line, my other phone rang. It was a…

Words to inspire 181116

November 18, 2016 8:27 am

Words to inspire: My children have a typical sibling relationship. Sometimes they get on each other’s nerves and they fight and other times they are the best of friends helping each other with something. When on the beach I watched them grab hold of each other’s hands, run down to the waves and kick them together. My lil man is not fond of the water. A bath is where he usually draws the line, so it was surprising that he went as far in the water as he did. Whereas lil lady loves anything to do with water and she…

Words to inspire 171116

November 17, 2016 6:44 am

Words to inspire: When out fruit picking we always stop by to feed the pigs. When we do that, I always think there’s a message here. I find messages everywhere. Farm animals can eat from the fields around them but they are also reliant on their owners to bring them food to eat. Lil lady loves feeding the pigs and watches them all hurry towards whatever she scatters. Unlike wild animals they do not have to go hunting for their meals. The earth and their owners provide it. Sadly some may end up on people’s plates but that may be…

Words to inspire 161116

November 16, 2016 8:35 am

Words to inspire: While driving the children to school this morning, I reflected on our journey as a family. My lil lady gets dropped off first and she skips into secondary school. She has opted to attend a few after-school clubs so she even stays there quite late. When I drop her off, I don’t give it much thought until it’s time to collect again. That sitting with my phone in my hand waiting for ‘the call’ is something of the past for my brain now. It’s just totally amazing. When we attended the year 6 leaving ceremony of our…

Words to inspire 151116

November 15, 2016 8:42 am

Words to inspire: So since the weekend I’ve started doing things differently to get different results and instantly there’s a change. A change in the way I feel and a change in how I see the future. Sometimes things just seem impossible but even the word itself can be changed to ‘I’m possible’ just by adding a space and an apostrophe. All things are possible for those who believe. In spite of and despite of, my future is blessed but there are things I need to do also. Keep being free. Peace and Love MrsJK My song….      

Words to inspire 141116

November 14, 2016 8:12 am

Words to inspire: I wrote this song #spoken at a time when I acknowledged what it was to be free. Sometimes there’s a release when you voice things. Funnily enough, I wrote this song but I didn’t actually write it. I was just sitting down one day and spoke to myself as I pressed play on a voice recorder and all the words came out and that was that. I’ve heard this song a million times now and you might have too but the words for me never get old. Depending on where I am, it speaks to me differently….

Words to inspire 111116

November 11, 2016 8:15 am

Words to inspire: When on a motorway and we’ve managed to avoid obstructions by moving into another lane, we must still drive with care. If we are coasting along in the correct lane which leads to our destination but we brake suddenly we could crash or cause a crash behind us. I’m guilty of this so I’m putting it out there. Sometimes I avoid obstacles get in the right lane after pushing hard and then I relax on things or actually stop pushing. Sometimes it’s out of fear of succeeding – self sabotage and sometimes I’m just weary so I…