Categories for Autism

Words to inspire Alphabet Advent Calendar 0912

December 9, 2016 6:20 am

Day 9 I is for Invest Ok… no this is not going to be a financial health check. I’m not the one to do that. However it’s a wellbeing health check. It’s Friday, the weekend starts this evening and it’s nearly the end of the week. What are you doing for you? What investment are you making for you? What are you depositing to ensure that you enjoy yourself? I used to be one of those parents who always made sure that the children looked fantastic, ate well and were jolly but I would give myself the bottom of the…

Words to inspire Alphabet Advent Calendar 0812

December 8, 2016 6:25 am

Day 8 H is for Hope When I was processing this word I looked up what the dictionary said about it. Here’s what I got: A feeling of expectation or desire for something to happen or a feeling of trust. I went on to look up different acronyms for the word HOPE and found some of my favourites. ‘Have Only Positive Expectations’, ‘Hold On Pain Ends’, ‘Help Open People’s Eyes’, ‘Hold Onto Prayer Everyday’ and ‘He Offers Peace Eternally’. This is the time of year lots of people exercise the word hope. We hope for a better year in 2017,…

Words to inspire Alphabet Advent Calendar 0712

December 7, 2016 5:56 am

Day 7. G is for Grateful I don’t do it that much now but I used to be one of those moaners. The one who would join in the work politics and moan about all the issues at work, issues of life and issues with the universe. I’m pretty sure that caused me to be quite sour at times. Now my life isn’t full of that I have a different outlook. I have lightened the heck up. I’m also more free now. There are lots of things I would like to improve in my life but right now there is…

Words to inspire Alphabet Advent Calendar 0612

December 6, 2016 8:15 am

Day 6 F is for Freedom When considering yesterday’s word enjoy, I also discovered that we may need to have a sense of freedom in order to fully enjoy life. For there to be a need for freedom, there first has to be a state of captivity. As I explored this I identified lots of things that could cause us to be bound. It doesn’t just mean being locked up physically but we can be captive in the mind. Our past journey could make us bound. We may have been conditioned to believe we will not become the things we…

Words to inspire Alphabet Advent Calendar 0512

December 5, 2016 8:54 am

Day 5 E is for Enjoy I know I’ve explored this word in lots of my words to inspire but I think it’s ok because we all need a constant reminder of that word everyday. I know as a parent, sometimes it’s easy to forget to enjoy myself as I need to complete a task or get a job done. There is one chore in the world which I dislike… ironing! When I have to do the week’s ironing I feel like the fun in my life stops for those hours. However, yesterday I decided to make ironing fun. With…

Words to inspire Alphabet Advent Calendar 0412

December 4, 2016 8:42 am

D is for Delight As I processed it, it came with two other words ‘in you.’ So the phrase of the day is ‘Delight in you’. I bet if I asked you to name 10 things about yourself that you aren’t happy with you could answer in a flash. However, if I asked you 10 things you are pleased with, it will take a bit longer. Personally, I think as a society we are programmed to look at negative things first and look to change them rather than looking at what is good and ways to develop it and make…

Words to inspire Alphabet Advent Calendar 0312

December 3, 2016 7:00 am

Day 3 C is for… Courageous In honour of our boy who was sadly killed last year, we met up as a family to celebrate what would have been his 18th birthday. Instead of us just having a party I booked adventurous activities like high wall climbing, and canoeing. Some of us had never done things like that before, whereas some of us had. Everyone was willing to give things a go which was great. Behind those activities I actually wanted to give the children a message. Nae-Nae in particular was so determined to get to the top of the…

Words to inspire Alphabet Advent Calendar 021216

December 2, 2016 6:29 am

Words to inspire alphabet advent calendar. Day 2: The word of the day is Be. Yes that’s right Be! Not bee, just be. I know it’s a strange one for inspiration but actually I think it’s such a significant word. Those who know me well, may describe me as a visionary. I do have the gift whereby I have visions for new things regularly. Some of them I ignore until I have no choice but to act, some I leap in too quickly and they don’t work out as good as I imagined. There are some for the now which…

Words to inspire advent calendar 011216

December 1, 2016 6:38 am

1st December. Time for advent calendars. So I decided to do a word to inspire advent calendar with the letters of the alphabet. Each day there will be a word that starts with the next letter in the alphabet as we count down to Christmas Day. I know there are 26 letters in the alphabet so on Christmas Eve I will cover XYZ together or pick one of those and Christmas Day I will return to my favourite letter J! I kick off the word to inspire advent calendar with two words beginning with A that can work together. They…

Words to inspire 251116

November 25, 2016 3:04 pm

Words to inspire: I’ve just got a few words today. Well, fewer than usual. As a family it’s been a tough few years but even in the midst of turmoil we had to find some happiness. Sometimes we had to create our own happiness and find reasons to laugh. I used hate smiling. Sometimes smiling got me in a lot of trouble. No idea why lol. One day my sis told me to start smiling more irrespective of what was happening. I can’t explain it but that day I took her advice there was a transformation in my life. Now…