Categories for Autism

Words to inspire Alphabet Advent Calendar 1912

December 19, 2016 8:33 am

Day 19 S is for Shine I believe we all have a unique purpose on this earth and alongside that we all have a light. We may have different watts, different sizes and shapes but it’s there. When I think about a light I think of excellence and doing something well or doing something to the best of our abilities. Not everyone’s light is needed for the big stage or to brighten the world but everyone is significant to the family they are born into or sent to, the street they live on, the schools they go to, jobs they…

Words to inspire Alphabet Advent Calendar 1812

December 18, 2016 8:57 am

Day 18 R is for Rejoice Here’s what the dictionary states about it: “To feel or show great joy or delight.” Funnily enough I had a dream last night and I can’t remember everything that happened in the dream but I woke up singing a song called Rejoice. So when I started to reflect on what the word for today would be it was as if I had already been given it, so then why was I still looking for something else? I used to do that a lot. I would be given something but because it wasn’t what I…

Words to inspire Alphabet Advent Calendar 1712

December 17, 2016 9:18 am

Day 17 Q is for quiet time It’s the weekend so the Alphabet Advent calendar seems to pick words or phrases which encourage people to do something for themselves in the midst of the busyness of life. The definition of Quiet time for those with spiritual beliefs is a time of prayer and meditation. I also look at it as a time to be still and empty our minds of everything that has happened the previous day, weeks, months or year and then open our minds ready to receive new visions and a focus for the things ahead. Sometimes we…

Words to inspire Alphabet Advent Calendar 1612

December 16, 2016 6:34 am

Day 16 P is for purpose. Some mornings I wake up thinking ‘what do I write about?’ At times I struggle with a few words until I get the one that feels right for the day. Prior to today I had another word in mind but when I woke up this morning I forgot about that word. Due to what’s going on in my life right now, the word ‘purpose’ is the only word that will do. I like to explore a word that’s meaningful to me too, so I can share my own experiences and hopefully there will be…

Words to inspire Alphabet Advent Calendar 1512

December 15, 2016 8:19 am

Day 15 O is for Overcome. This is what she dictionary states about the word overcome: 1. succeed in dealing with (a problem or difficulty). 2. defeat (an opponent) 3. (of a feeling or emotion) overpower or overwhelm. This is a great word that has been significant in my journey. In order to be free I had to first overcome some issues and problems that were caused by external factors and those I caused myself. Just like the second definition I had to battle with some things and I was my own opponent at times. I had to try and…

Words to inspire Alphabet Advent Calendar 1412

December 14, 2016 8:41 am

Day 14 N is for nourish, nourishment. Yes, another wellbeing health check… for our bodies and minds but also for the bodies and minds of those we have been given the responsibility of e.g. our children or members of our household. When I looked up nourish and nourishment these were the definitions: To provide with the food or other substances necessary for growth, health, and good condition. The action of nourishing someone or something.”the nourishment of our bodies and of our minds” As I discussed yesterday, there was a time in my life whereby ‘Me’ was neglected. I spoke about…

Words to inspire Alphabet Advent Calendar 1312

December 13, 2016 6:09 am

Day 13 M is for Me I don’t think I can emphasize this enough so I’ve decided to have a Me day. The one person I used to struggle to love was Me. When I looked in the mirror that Me resembled so much I didn’t like. It was more about not understanding that the Almighty created Me the way I was and it was very different from other people and I didn’t always fit in so I didn’t quite see the purpose of Me. Due to things that happened in my past, I made lots of assumptions about Me….

Words to inspire Alphabet Advent Calendar 1212

December 12, 2016 8:44 am

Day 12 L is for laugh As it’s Monday I thought I’d explore a word that many people struggle to do on a Monday especially in the morning. Monday morning means back to work for some of us after a lovely weekend with family and loved ones. Some of us will have to engage in tasks that will not on paper bring us much delight. According to the dictionary laugh means to make the spontaneous sounds and movements of the face and body that are the instinctive expressions of lively amusement and sometimes also of derision. I went on to…

Words to inspire Alphabet Advent Calendar 1112

December 11, 2016 9:39 am

Day 11 K is for Know. Yes I know… I thought that too. I tried to explore another word but I kept returning to this one. I realised actually the word ‘know’ is significant for our journeys. To know, is to be aware of through observation, inquiry, or information. To know is to have the information and knowledge about something. I often hear people say that knowledge is power. There’s something in the Bible that says people perish because of lack of knowledge. There are things we need to know for a successful journey. However, as I’ve explored before, there…

Words to inspire Alphabet Advent Calendar 1012

December 10, 2016 8:13 am

Day 10 Now we have come to my favourite letter and in my opinion, the most important letter of the alphabet. Some of the best things ever begin with J. The name Jessica, everyone in my household, Jesus, Jehovah God the Father, Juice, Jam, Jeep, Jaguar, Jelly. The list goes on and on… I just thought I’d mention that. Today J is for Joy! Here’s the online dictionary definitions: Verb “the emotion of great delight or happiness caused by something exceptionally good or satisfying; keen pleasure; elation.” “a source or cause of keen pleasure or delight; something or someone greatly…