Categories for Autism

Words to inspire – As we draw nearer things become clearer

February 16, 2017 8:47 am

As we draw nearer, things become clearer. The other day I was driving through the fog and I must say I’d rather heavy rain than fog. Sometimes it’s a bit scary because you can’t see much further than the rays of your fog lights. JJ was with me in the car and we had a discussion about fog and he thought it was a cool picture to take and I agreed. I often liken my life to the foggy morning in the car. There are things in life that are a bit scary mainly because we don’t know what the…

Words to inspire – Use the tools in your hands

February 15, 2017 8:23 am

Use the tools that have been placed in your hands. Yesterday somehow I was reminded of the different experiences I’ve had in life and how I can utilise the things I’ve learnt for the present and the future. MrJK bought me a lovely watch for Valentine’s Day but I have a fairly small wrist so all chain strap watches need to be adjusted to fit. I opened it and thought argh. I thought about having to make a trip to town to adjust it and the extra cost I may incur. Then I remembered I used to adjust watch straps…

Words to inspire – life looks different when you’re standing on your head

February 14, 2017 8:42 am

Life looks different when you’re standing on your head. It’s Valentine’s Day so it would be a predictable thing to write about love, so I chose not to, well not specifically but what I will write may have some link because most things come back to love. Those that follow me and read my posts regularly will know I have two children on the Autistic spectrum. MrJK and I aren’t diagnosed but we both definitely sit there too, one more than the other. As a result I often have to see things from a different angle and when I do…

Words to inspire – learning to wait.

February 13, 2017 8:29 am

No can become NOW if you take the W from Wait. Sometimes we ask for an answer or we look for direction and we don’t get it immediately. I don’t know about you but I used to take that as a No! I would think ok maybe I’m not meant to do that thing. I would think that the dream and a desire that I had was just something of my imagination which was more like a fantasy that doesn’t come true. Well… getting a NO sometimes, would crush my dreams until I realised something… Sometimes the No wasn’t a…

Words to inspire – Be grateful for life and be joyful

February 10, 2017 6:37 am

Be grateful for life and find reasons to be joyful. I always like to end the words to inspire week with something about doing something for ourselves and being happy. I used to find that I needed constant reminders of that. We spend all week helping others in some way we then continue to put ourselves at the bottom of the heap. This often resulted in me being quite miserable. One way that got me out of that state was remembering how grateful I am for life itself and acknowledging that I have the ability to bring joy to myself….

Words to inspire – for different results try something different

February 9, 2017 6:43 am

If you want different results try to do something different. Sometimes we have the habit of complaining about what isn’t right but at the same time we’re not prepared to do something different. We want a situation to have a different outcome but we’re still doing the same thing as we’ve always done hoping everything else will make a change and fix up. Or we are not prepared to step out of our comfort zones and we wonder why things in our lives are stagnant. The picture attached is one of my favourites. The photographer asked me whether I could…

Words to inspire – Don’t ignore the beauty around you.

February 8, 2017 5:46 am

Don’t ignore the beauty around you. I know I used to do this a lot and in life it’s very easy to do. We get so caught up in our circumstances and what isn’t great that we miss the beautiful things around us. When the photographer took the photo, I was like wow. I have been to that location hundreds of times but never seen it look so beautiful. The thing is, it was probably always there like that but because I have always been on a mission when I have walked passed I must have missed it. Lots of…

Words to inspire – Let it go

February 7, 2017 6:05 am

At one of my jobs, I work with 7 and 8 year olds. They love music so to help them focus I often play background music while they are working. One of them is into the movie Frozen and everything about it so if I need to draw that child in more I play the song, “Let it go.” It works like magic. To them it never gets old and it’s grown on me now too. I’ve actually been using the phrase on some of my work colleagues and friends when their mouths fill up with complaints or they are…

Words to inspire – Look ahead

February 6, 2017 6:26 am

Look ahead, focus on the things you do well, not the things you’ve done wrong. When considering this I thought wow this is so important and then in my morning devotion I read the exact same thing in the Bible. When trying to reach a goal in life it’s not always easy and actually I believe life goals and purpose continue until we leave this earth. We’re on a journey with lots of different roads. Some people may look as they reach their destination early but perhaps what they are doing is what I read this morning: “Forgetting what is…

Words to inspire – Don’t forget to have fun

February 3, 2017 6:23 am

Life can be a very serious thing especially when you are an adult. We have bills to pay, we may have dependants relying on us and there are so many demands on us. However, one thing I was reminded of this week in particular was, don’t forget to have fun. Yesterday I had some of the children I work with in proper fits of laughter because I was being my usual wacky self during some of our learning times. This didn’t stop them from achieving the things I wanted them to, actually the opposite, it seemed to have an incredible…