Categories for Autism

Autism Awareness Month Day 2

April 3, 2016 7:47 am

World Autism Awareness Day. Everyday is a day to spread awareness but we can also join in with the rest of the world that marks a particular day each year to drive it a bit more. I spent the day with so many special characters on the Autistic Spectrum at my local charity. If people say children with Autism are all the same in this or that… Please reconsider. I was with several children on the spectrum today and not one child is anything like the other. Yes they all have a similar diagnosis but the spectrum is so wide…

Autism Awareness Month Day 1

April 1, 2016 9:18 pm

  Kicking off Autism awareness month with our own superstar’s birthday. I don’t think it is any coincidence that Nae-Nae was born on 1st April. She tells me she is a born prankster and she’s not wrong. She was sent to make us laugh again. I faced a very low time before she was born but when she was born she was just perfect but I didn’t realise how perfect she would be for our lives until much later. Our day kicked off in the usual way on 1st April, waking up Nae-Nae to sing to her and give her…

Excited just before Christmas? A day in the life parenting Autism while climbing my mountains

December 23, 2015 8:52 am

Christmas is a jolly time but is that the case for everyone? We absolutely love Christmas here. It’s a time when we celebrate Jesus coming to the earth. Yeah I here the critics saying he wasn’t born on 25th December but it’s the day that has been selected to remember that glorious day. However the run up to Christmas break isn’t jolly for us all. I won’t lie I get quite nervous around the last weeks of the school term cos I imagine that something is going to kick off. In many schools this is the week that pretty much…

Hello – A day in the life parenting Autism while climbing my mountains

November 27, 2015 9:41 pm

There are two calls in life that as a parent and a believer you expect to get. One call I’m praying won’t come for many, many years but it could be tomorrow, next week, next month, next year. No one knows. The other call I pretty much expect everyday and if it doesn’t come it’s a massive relief. What are these calls? Yeah that’s right the call to heaven and the call from your children’s school. I’ve spoken to the Lord and asked that although the call to heaven will definitely come, if possible I would like to complete some…

Putting things into perspective – A day in the life parenting Autism while climbing my mountain

November 19, 2015 5:49 am

It’s been a while… Grief has a way of taking you out of things or changing your perspective or priorities on things. None of which completely applies here lol. I just couldn’t write words on a page. Every time I thought to write the hand didn’t reach the keyboard or the phone. My mind would just go blank and I got a feeling in my stomach that made it uncomfortable. However as usual music was my thing so I could do spontaneously songwriting where I just sat at the piano or a with guitar in my hands and pressed record…