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Autism Awareness Month Day 12

April 13, 2016 7:22 am

I woke up feeling very thankful. This day 15 years ago MrJK and I signed a certificate to declare we wanted to share a surname and be together as husband and wife until we depart this earth. We had other wedding ceremonies in the same year so we tend to make a bigger deal of the anniversary in August as that’s when we blessed our marriage in church, nevertheless we still mark this day in some way by reflecting and giving thanks. I’m thankful that despite challenges of life, despite some silly things we have done and although we annoy each…

Autism Awareness Month Day 11

April 12, 2016 7:11 am

Monday morning yay!! Work again. As I woke up Nae-Nae came to my room said good morning and then she asked to feel my face. She often does that and loves the sensation. She doesn’t feel my face with her hands she does it with her lips and nose. She started on one cheek rubbing her dry soft lips across from side to side. Then she turned my face to get to the other cheek and she did the same. Next my lips and she hovered gently over them and I gave her a gentle kiss, she then needed our…

Autism Awareness Month Day 10

April 11, 2016 8:51 am

Happy Sunday again. Wow this part of the week has come around  quickly. Even though the days are lighter for longer it just appears that time runs faster at this time of year. It’s psychological though. I woke up really refreshed from a good night’s sleep. After all that driving yesterday and waking up early I needed it. I was getting ready for church and talking to JJ reminding him that I’m taking Nae-Nae to a party after church to check if he changed his mind and wanted to come. It was a party of my friend’s twins who are…

Autism Awareness Month Day 9

April 10, 2016 8:30 am

I was up even earlier than usual for a Saturday to start a 2 hour road trip to a conference. It was so early that all my babies were sleeping so I went to them to kiss them goodbye. Nae-Nae woke up at that point and wanted me to remind her where I was going, how long the journey was and what time I was expecting to be home again. I answered all the questions correctly apart from the last. I gave her a return time slightly later than I planned. I expected to be home by 7.30 ish but…

Autism Awareness Month Day 8 – My heartbeats

April 9, 2016 6:25 am

Before work I had to take JJ to a medical appointment so was up and out early. All the way there I could hear JJ talking to himself preparing for what he will face. This only happened because he had one bad experience with a staff member who clearly didn’t read the notes on the screen about his condition or has limited awareness of it that she was grilling him unnecessarily brought about high levels of anxiety which caused him to have a panic attack. Oh don’t worry I took them on and rectified it thereafter. Although we have had…

Autism Awareness Month Day 7 Still tired…

April 8, 2016 8:09 am

I managed to have a least one day off during the school holidays and today was the day. JJ stayed over his friends house so I had to go and fetch him. I was still too tired for words but I did have a good sleep. Nae-Nae was up early marking one of her test papers. Although the reading test was hard she did very well and was pleased that she at least managed to get more than 60% correct. Personally I don’t know why the government puts 10-11 years through this amount of pressure but that is a debate…

Autism Awareness Month Day 6

April 7, 2016 8:47 am

I woke up with zero energy but life had to continue, work had to continue. I didn’t sleep much at all but that’s usual to be honest but for some reason my battery is running low at the moment. I think my body also works with the term time clock so this should be my rest period but no I’m still working and even harder than usual. As I was getting ready for work there was lots of belly laughter coming from Nae-Nae in the next room. JJ went over to her to see what was so funny and then…

Autism Awareness Day 5 – You need to start in order to finish

April 6, 2016 7:13 am

Busy day ahead at work so I was out of the house early leaving MrJK on child duty again. It was a lovely sunny drive and its always a good time to reflect on life. Weirdly enough I was thinking about driving, but I don’t know why but it came to mind. I drive on autopilot going to my office and really do it without thinking too much about it because I know the route in my sleep. Often I’m really in a day dream but still manage to get to my destination safely.  But how did I get from…

Autism Awareness Month Day 4

April 5, 2016 7:02 am

Monday morning creeps up on us so quickly like the weekend never existed. My little Miss Motivator made me get up extra early this morning as she wanted me to go running while she rode her bike. I needed to do it at 7.30am latest so I could leave home at 8.30am for work. I was not looking forward to it to be honest so when I got her bike out and went to her room to tell her I’m ready she said “Nah I can’t be bothered.” I didn’t know whether to be happy or annoyed lol. I suppose…

Autism Awareness Month Day 3

April 4, 2016 7:09 am

Happy Sunday. The children were up at normal time but felt weary so I suggested that they stay at home and I go to church alone. As it was sports club day I thought I don’t want a repeat of yesterday and come home and hear that Nae-Nae was kicking off about getting bathed and ready, so I called her to have a bath as soon as she finished brushing her teeth. She has a time for everything but my suggestion seemed to fit in with her timing schedule for the day so without hesitation she bathed and then put…