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Autism Awareness Month Day 22

April 23, 2016 9:01 am

It’s Friday, I’m happy happy!! This is the day I usually take Nae-Nae to school with us in the car. I have to get the work home life balance right and make sure I get to take both children to school at least once a week. As Nae-Nae still needs to open the gate with the caretaker we have to leave the house earlier than usual so I have enough time to pick up JJ’s friend, drop the boys across town and get back to Nae-Nae’s school in good time. Fridays are clearer on the road so it’s a better…

Autism Awareness Month Day 21

April 22, 2016 7:10 am

Payday and day off Thursday yay! This is a day when I have time off work to do whatever I choose. I had gym and shopping on the agenda followed by watching Nae-Nae at her netball match. After the school run I got to the gym just in time for body combat. I tell you this was made for me. All those years of pretending to be the karate kid could be put to use with dance music. The instructor took it to town today and at one point I thought I was at the carnival jumping up to the…

Autism Awareness Month Day 20

April 21, 2016 6:14 am

Aww my little cherub wasn’t a happy bunny this morning. Although she didn’t mind the visit she has to go to she hated that she was missing school, even if it was only an hour and a half. On the way there she cried so I had to bring out the inappropriate humour. I can hear you all shaking your heads in despair but trust me she found these jokes online and they are so bad yet so funny to her and whatever mood she’s in if she hears these with an American accent she will laugh and laugh and…

Autism Awareness Month Day 19

April 20, 2016 7:12 am

Back to school for Nae-Na, yes at last! It was a long three weeks having children with different school holidays. I hope it doesn’t happen again as its was a real juggling act. Thank God for MrJK and his work pattern and flexibility. Nae-Nae was excited to go back to school but she was also nervous. She wants to do so well this term and for her doing her best means not getting internally or externally excluded which is a bit sad but we’re working on it. She told me that exercising good behaviour all of the time is hard for…

Autism Awareness Month Day 18

April 19, 2016 7:40 am

Monday Monday… Nae-Nae was still off school today and she has a thing about having 100% attendance so she needed to confirm with me that she had an inset day. She knew she did but she came to me asking “Is it Inset day today?” I replied Yes. A few minutes later she came back again “Is it inset day today?” I replied “Yes Nae-Nae.” She then asked “What does inset day mean?” I explained it was a day when children do not need to go to school. She knew the answer to it she just asked for reassurance that…

Autism Awareness Month Day 17

April 18, 2016 7:17 am

Happy Sunday again! It’s becoming a habit and routine now at 7.30am on a Sunday I get woken out of bed no matter how tired I am, whether I went out the night before or not, by Nae-Nae who wants dippy (soft boiled) egg with toast ‘soldiers’ as we call them and always wants me to make it. I think this is the only thing I make better than MrJK so they come and get me. I do make the most perfect egg though, if I do say so myself. Nae-Nae gets me up to make it for the family…

Autism Awareness Month Day 16

April 17, 2016 8:57 am

Over half way through the month… wow it’s flying! I have so much to do at the moment so I was up doing those admin tasks while the kids were finishing home work and playing. MrJK went food shopping as he does and came home and finished some housework. I had a booking which was cancelled and then another commitment but due to my workload I just couldn’t get there. I hate being behind with work and admin so until I feel in a good place I have to do the work. I felt like I needed a bit of…

Autism Awareness Month Day 15

April 16, 2016 8:53 am

Friday yay!!! I just wanted the working day to hurry up so I could get some time with my sis. We planned to go out tonight for a meal, chat and lots of laughter. I love her so much I just get excited when we get together. It’s important to have close people that you can hang out with who you can just chill with and know that they just get you and you get them so the encounters are just effortless in a good way. MrJK is good like that as he understands my need to get out so…

Autism Awareness Month Day 14

April 15, 2016 7:15 am

I woke up thinking how can it be Thursday already? This week is flying! It’s soon the weekend again yay!!!! I overheard MrJK tell Nae-Nae that they are going to town straight after breakfast so she should tell me what she wants to wear so I can iron it. Her response to him was just a simple “Ok Daddy.” I just sit there sometimes and just marvel at their conversations. When I need to go somewhere and need her to come with me I have to give her a whole story as to why, when, how etc and even then she…

Autism Awareness Month Day 13

April 14, 2016 7:14 am

I woke up to a shout from Nae-Nae. As soon as she called out “mummy” I remembered what I had forgotten to do… Her tooth! The tooth fairy job! Heck lol. However I quickly went to my purse got £1 and went to her aid. She explained that the tooth was still there and she’s been looking everywhere for the coin but can’t find one. I offered to help her look. Time to put my cunning plan into force… I asked her whether she wrapped the tooth in tissue? I could see that she didn’t. She said no so I…