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Miracles happen – Primary school is out!

July 24, 2016 7:02 pm

After the month I have had I can truly confirm that miracles happen. This was the season when the last of our children attended primary school for the last time. That’s a miracle in itself. How did that happen? How did we get to the place where primary school comes to an end? It happened too fast! I remember the first day of reception class like it was yesterday and now we are preparing for Nae-Nae to start the first day of secondary school and JJ is approaching year 10 to commence GCSEs, like what??? I must say a few…

Transition time

July 24, 2016 6:11 pm

Not everything in our lives is easy so I don’t ever want to give the impression that life is a walk in the park. Far from it! Life is more like a walk through the rain forest onto the jungle and then round the corner to the park street at times. However I always like to make a thing of successes and things we overcome because there are lots of things people take for granted in their daily lives whereas they are massive big deals for us parents with SEN children. The last school term has been in history always…

Autism Awareness Month Day 30!

May 1, 2016 6:59 am

Wow last day of the month… What a month it has been. I celebrate two of my girls today who share the same birthday and are the same age so born the exact same day by different mothers but both brought to us to be a blessing to my family. I’m so grateful for so many amazing people in my life. It’s so important especially being a parent of child with special needs, that we don’t become an island on our own in the middle of nowhere. It is easily done as our lives can alienate and isolate us. Not…

Autism Awareness Month Day 29

April 30, 2016 7:06 am

I woke up bright and early as usual. The sun was shining and it just looked like a beautiful day, although it was due to rain too. I received a message from one of my sisters with the words from the song “This is the day that the Lord has made.” This really made me smile. I knew it would be a good day. A start of something new and definitely great. As its Friday Nae-Nae comes with us on the school run as I usually work from home that day or I’m local so it’s the only day I…

Autism Awareness Month Day 28

April 29, 2016 7:07 am

It was a beautiful morning. The sun was shining and we were all on good form. It was my last day travelling to my office and the day of my leaving lunch. JJ also had a consultation meeting with teachers today so I reminded him not to stress about it but enjoy it. He started frantically looking for the letter to find out if it stated the room he needed to go to. It had been misplaced or shall I say someone had moved it to a place from a place where in my view it should have been left…

Autism Awareness Month Day 27

April 28, 2016 6:59 am

Firstly I would like to say Happy Birthday to a special person who was one of the people who encouraged me to start writing these blogs and take them to the level they are at now. If you are reading this, you know who you are! Thank you for your encouragement. I hope you had a great day! We all need certain people in our lives for different reasons and I’m thankful to God for sending such people to help me. It’s midweek already wow this week is flying! I’m not sad about that though because I’m exhausted. I was…

Autism Awareness Month Day 26

April 27, 2016 7:04 am

As the birds sang I woke up this morning ready for another day. It was going to be a long one as I had work, netball tournament, work, a meeting then a church session. On the go until about 10pm… Nae-Nae came to my room and got into bed with me. She asked for a hug and a kiss. I don’t usually ask why she wanted that but I did today because I knew why really and wanted to see what she would say. She replied because “I love you.” Ok so this was in relation to yesterday as well…

Autism Awareness Month Day 25

April 26, 2016 6:59 am

It’s just another manic Monday. The working week is here again. Yay… I was up early. Nae-Nae wanted to do some more homework tasks so she was up at the crack of dawn too. We got ready for work and school and out the door by 8. I had to drop JJ and be back home to meet a colleague who was giving me a lift to the meeting. It was my last scheduled team meeting for the service I was covering for this month and I said farewell to my old team last month. To say farewell, I took…

Autism Awareness Month Day 24

April 25, 2016 6:28 am

Happy Super Sunday! MrJK and I had a bit of a ‘relaxing’ time in bed in this morning. Neither of us were in a rush to get out of bed so we both stayed there until at least 7.30am which is really rare for us. Everyone picked out their clothes for church, all vaguely matching of course and I ironed them. It was a blue and grey day. We don’t always do it on purpose but it’s just that we are all pretty in tune with each other it just works out that way. We all got ready, JJ put…

Autism Awareness Month Day 23

April 24, 2016 8:17 am

Today I decided I needed to chill and lay in bed for as long as possible. MrJK was up and out around 6.30am to do the food shopping. He likes going early in the morning as he states that the fresh items are put out then. As he left I rolled back over with the intention of shutting my eyes for a bit but then entered Nae-Nae asking for soft boiled eggs. I reminded her that today was Saturday not Sunday and I usually make it on Sunday. I was trying to make her inflexible just because I was lazy….