Mumma Don’t cry. Autism Awareness Month

*****World Autism Awareness Day*****
It’s today and although everyday for us is Autism Awareness/Acceptance day I often join in with the rest of the world to mark April as a special Autism Awareness month.
This year instead of my daily blog I decided to share some messages each week through poetry and song. These messages will be through the eyes of a parent but also through the eyes of someone on the spectrum.
I kick off today with my own story of hope in the song “Mumma Don’t Cry.” The day I was told about the children’s diagnosis is very different to today. They grow, we grow. We do have a miracle story but I want to encourage other parents that each child has a unique purpose, so tune into their frequency and help them to function within that purpose, then no matter what happens, they will be just fine.
Special thanks to Darkling productions for the models and photography and to my own superstar son who put this video together.
#NoLimits #TuneIntoASD #EmbracingTheDifference #AutismAcceptance

Please share the video. Others might need to hear it. ?

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