Words to inspire – Helping ourselves

Words to inspire- Before we help someone else. We’ve got to help ourselves

I’m often guilty of carrying on with life and tasks when I’m poorly and I do not rest to speed up the recovery. I’m getting a bit better though but previously I had an immaculate sickness record because I just carried on all the time. It actually wasn’t helpful though. One day I crashed and the fall was hard.
I’ve just acknowledged that I’ve been doing a bit of the same this week and just fighting what’s happening in my body during the day, however I have been resting in the evenings. For me that’s been a bit annoying though because I have 101 things to do but I haven’t been productive. However, yesterday I was reminded that I will not miss the appointed time so if I have to rest this week and do nothing, the success for the appointed time is still guaranteed.
This weekend I had lots of things on which involved being out and some things involved other people. I woke up this morning and thought, nah! Before I help someone else I have to help myself.
I need to help myself by slowing down a bit sometimes. I need to help myself by not worrying if I can’t get to places. I can’t be everywhere and do everything. I need to help myself by not worrying about all the things that have gone wrong this week but rejoice over the things that are great.
I need to help myself by staying in bed beyond 8am on a Saturday morning. I need to help myself by doing something nice for me! I spend all the other millions of seconds in the week helping and working with others. I need to choose lots of seconds to work with myself and work on myself. I’ve got a few ideas of what I will do.
I’ve been a bit poorly with my knee and other health stuff recently so I’ve not been doing any exercise and I’ve been eating rubbish. I can really feel it. I need to help myself and get back on track. I’m no good to anyone else if I’m no good to myself.
So this weekend before you give everyone else your help, give yourself your help. I’m going to be doing that.
Peace and love

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