Words to inspire – Fix your eyes on the possibilities

Words to inspire – Fix your eyes on the possibilities of tomorrow not the imperfections of today.

I had a bit of a low time at the weekend because I was doing that worry thing looking at what isn’t good about my life especially my bank accounts. It caused me to look back at how things were like last year and the years before when our income was very different.
All of a sudden I started focusing on what I didn’t like about today and everything good that happened last week was overshadowed. Then, thank God I had a lightbulb moment again…
I thought about the possibilities of things in the future and the things we plan to do that will by God’s grace bring about a massive transformation. We just need to put in lots of work today. That’s often the difficult part, knowing that you have to put in a lot of hard work. However, like I’m always reminded of “Rome wasn’t built in a day.”
I have seen a transformation in the lives of my children but that was by the grace of God and a lot of hard work. If we wasted time dwelling on and focusing on what was bad about today our eyes would not have seen the possibilities of tomorrow and we would not have acted accordingly. Thereafter, all the imperfections became a minor to me.
I’m back to my usual self again today, upbeat and focusing on the possibilities to come. I’m just smiling at the imperfections of today because I’m confident they won’t remain forever. My today is never a total reflection of my yesterday and my tomorrow will not be completely identical to my today. Even if some things remain, there’s always something different. Even if a big storm comes again, I know from past experiences that the sun will rise again.
I’m choosing to fix my eyes on better things.
Peace and love

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