Words to inspire – don’t be afraid to be the opportunity

Words to inspire – If you can’t see the opportunity, perhaps you need to BE the opportunity.

Some of the best things I do in life came about because I had a vision for something, however, I almost didn’t do those things because there was nothing to compare it to. I was looking for things that matched my criteria or I tried to match a criteria that already existed and I couldn’t quite find the right one. At which point I realised I had to create the criteria.

Everything that is in existence had to start from someone or something not EVERYONE or EVERYTHING. So why can’t we be that SomeONE?

A fire starts and spreads because someone started the fire. Don’t be afraid to do something that no one else is doing! People won’t know they needed it until it starts.

Don’t be afraid to be the opportunity.

Peace and love


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