
Words to inspire – Helping ourselves

March 17, 2017 6:16 am

Words to inspire- Before we help someone else. We’ve got to help ourselves I’m often guilty of carrying on with life and tasks when I’m poorly and I do not rest to speed up the recovery. I’m getting a bit better though but previously I had an immaculate sickness record because I just carried on all the time. It actually wasn’t helpful though. One day I crashed and the fall was hard. I’ve just acknowledged that I’ve been doing a bit of the same this week and just fighting what’s happening in my body during the day, however I have…

Words to inspire – Don’t waste time being someone else, be good at being you

March 15, 2017 3:13 pm

Words to inspire – Don’t waste time being something else. Be good at being you. It’s great to get inspiration from others but I would say only to the extent that it doesn’t change who you are, what the Almighty created you to be. I’ve wasted a lot of time trying to fit in and be something that I’m not. Now I have the understanding that I’m just quite peculiar but that’s not a bad thing. I’m obviously meant to bring something different. One of my colleagues asked me yesterday where was my bounce? I laughed cos she literally saw…

Words to inspire – Fix your eyes on the possibilities

March 13, 2017 6:58 am

Words to inspire – Fix your eyes on the possibilities of tomorrow not the imperfections of today. I had a bit of a low time at the weekend because I was doing that worry thing looking at what isn’t good about my life especially my bank accounts. It caused me to look back at how things were like last year and the years before when our income was very different. All of a sudden I started focusing on what I didn’t like about today and everything good that happened last week was overshadowed. Then, thank God I had a lightbulb…

Words to inspire – don’t be afraid to be the opportunity

March 6, 2017 8:25 am

Words to inspire – If you can’t see the opportunity, perhaps you need to BE the opportunity. Some of the best things I do in life came about because I had a vision for something, however, I almost didn’t do those things because there was nothing to compare it to. I was looking for things that matched my criteria or I tried to match a criteria that already existed and I couldn’t quite find the right one. At which point I realised I had to create the criteria. Everything that is in existence had to start from someone or something…

Words to inspire – Do yourself a favour

March 3, 2017 6:50 am

There’s a blessing in helping others but don’t forget to do yourself a favour! It’s Friday so here’s the traditional reminder. We probably spend all week serving others. We look after our families, provide a service at work, volunteer for things, help our friends and all sorts. There is a real blessing in all of those things and they are so good to do, but we must not forget to do ourselves a favour too. What are we doing to help ourselves? I have a full on weekend doing things to serve others but even though It’s going to be…

Words to inspire – Speak a better word

March 2, 2017 6:17 am

Speak a better word It might not happen all the time, but I have noticed when I speak negatively, negative feelings emerge which somehow also creates negative situations around me. As a result I truly believe there is power in the tongue and what we speak can often manifest itself. People often ask me why I speak positively most of the time. Well it’s for that reason. I’ve had negative words spoken over me and those words were deposited into my life and I started believing them and living like they were true even though they weren’t. It was deep….

Words to inspire – We can’t change things around us but we can change things within

March 1, 2017 6:03 am

We can’t control all the situations around us but we have some control of the things happening within us. Situations will happen, people will happen but it’s how we respond to those things which is important. We can control our emotions and reactions the majority of the time. We can choose to stop letting things bother us. We can ask for help so that we can finally let go… We can’t make a change to everything around us, but we can make a change within us. Peace and love MrsJK *Throughout Lent I’m not giving up words completely but I’m…