Words to inspire – Do not resent the days of small beginnings

Do not resent the days of small beginnings. Out of those days rivers of life could flow.

I’ve learnt this lesson lots of times over the years. Sometimes I start something and it doesn’t look like it’s going anywhere because it’s small but each thing has just provided a piece of the puzzle for the bigger picture.

Yesterday I was talking to someone I really respect. He helped me understand that a small idea that I have could be revolutionary and could change my life financially so I have to do it.

When I was made redundant last year I could have gone into a similar paid job and I could have got one like that quite easily but I decided not to. I decided not to work full time either and to do something that just made me happy knowing that it could contribute to the ultimate goal. I also wanted to be around for my child more in these vital school years.

I’m so glad I made that decision because today I’m flipping freaking out in a good way as I consider the possibilities that could come out of these small beginnings.

I have been giving everything I do at the moment my absolute best. Which I usually do anyway. I do a lot of voluntary work and admittedly there were days at the beginning when I questioned why I was putting in so much time for the things I wasn’t getting paid for. When I stopped thinking about that, enjoyed serving others and just gave it my best I began to see more fruits and rivers of life have sprung out of those things for my children, my personal life and my career.

Like I said yesterday, we can’t get to the top if we don’t start from somewhere. It’s usually really hard at the bottom. There will be days when you just want to give up because you can’t see beyond what you currently see. It could cause you to be resentful when you see others celebrating at the top, but I would say, please just hang in there.

I’ve had to be very patient in my journey and not rush the Almighty. I really understand the reasons for most things now. When I arrive my journey story will be so much sweeter and more inspiring. I get excited thinking about it now.

Do not resent the days of small beginnings.

Peace and love



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