Words to inspire – start climbing in order to reach the top

We will never reach the top if we don’t start climbing.

This is may seem like an obvious thing but is it? I am someone that has lots of dreams and visions for things. Lots of these things are still nothing but dreams because I haven’t done anything about them. I receive confirmation that they are the right things to do but I still sit on them for years. I think I was waiting for something, but the funny thing is I don’t even know what I’ve been waiting for.

Over the weekend I tackled something that I had put on hold for over 5 years. The thing is I started to climb and I got near the top of the wall then I jumped back down again. I dreamt about climbing to the top with this project but I still didn’t do anything about it for years. I wonder if I just expected it to happen all on its own?!

There were several valid reasons why I had to put things on hold but as soon as those reasons disappeared I couldn’t find anything to stop me starting the climb again. So yesterday I started climbing the good climb again with the determination that I will reach the top. When I get there, I’ll let you know more.

When I start climbing up, my foot might slip many times and there may be stumbling blocks and acts of nature that might affect the climb, but that’s not a good enough reason not to start.

Lots of us don’t fulfil our dreams because we don’t actually start putting anything into place. We talk a lot about what we are going to do and how we believe it will turn out but that’s all we do, talk about it. Some of us are looking for miracles but we do nothing to allow the miracle entry into our lives.

I’ve had a vision for years to write songs specifically for schools to help children remember certain values in life and to help with their learning. I could talk about it for days and picture what it would look like. However, I didn’t do anything for years to make it happen. Actually I did approach one school and because their response wasn’t positive, I just left it there.

It would have continued to be something I just talked about, if I didn’t start climbing up the wall and actually doing something about it. I noticed once I unlocked one door other doors of opportunity opened. I truly believe now I’ve stepped out and started to do something, other things will come that I may not have even imagined. Now that’s where the miracle can occur.

Some people are waiting for a life partner to enter their lives and don’t get me wrong I do believe in miracles and it is possible for that person just to knock on our door or meet us on the street. However I think sometimes we also need to allow for miracles to happen by creating space for them. What I mean by this is, if we start going to places where we would possibly meet other people, going on online dating sites, attending networking meetings or conferences, we are creating an opportunity for that partner to come.

My husband had to attend a funeral in order to meet the perfect wife he didn’t even know he was looking for lol. If he didn’t go, he may have still met me but it may have taken many more years and the story may not have flowed in the same beautiful way.

In order to be a published author, you have to start writing a book. In order to have albums out, you have to start writing and making music. In order to be a blogger, you have to start blogging. We have to start somewhere, usually at the beginning.

Don’t kill your dreams because you never did anything about them. Start climbing.

Peace and love


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