Words to inspire – inject some fun into your life

Don’t let life become too serious. Feel free to have fun.

I was hanging out with some kids one day and one of them suggested that I get on the floor and act like I’m sleeping and let them cover me from head to toe with lots of bean bags. I think they were a bit confused and shocked when I agreed to do it.
I think it shocked them because I’m an adult and at times us adults make life too serious and portray the image that it’s a crime to play silly games. We can’t do this, we can’t do that. We need to be responsible etc, etc, blah, blah, blah.

We do need to be sensible and responsible but sometimes we also need to lighten the heck up and actually allow ourselves to have a bit of fun. It’s actually really good for the body, mind and soul.

Most children that know me well, would describe me as being “pretty cool.” If I’m lucky, that gets upgraded to “very cool.” I think it helps being small and having a baby face as I can mingle in with children very well. However, I think the main reason they describe me in that way is because I’m not afraid to allow the child in me to live on even within a professional capacity.

My children’s personalities helped my inner child to live on. JJ wasn’t always confident enough to ask other children if he could join in their games of football down at the park. I used to see his little face and feel bad for him so my inner child had to surface. I would then feel free to ask them if we could join in. Children at the park were so impressed by my footie skills, they would look out for us in the future and JJ made some great friends that way. The best thing about it was for those moments I forgot about the woes of life that were occurring at the time and just had fun.

This morning I reflected on the time when I was in a deep dark place emotionally. I remember clearly that there wasn’t much fun that was injected into my life. I dwelled on the negative so much, I couldn’t make room for fun. I wouldn’t even let anyone else bring it my way. I actually think that kept me down for longer than I needed to be.

Don’t get me wrong, life is hard sometimes and for some of us, life is hard the majority of the time. However I do believe it will be even harder if we don’t crack a smile once in a while. It actually takes less effort to smile than it does to frown according to biology. Go on try it and see which one uses more face muscles. I actually have a funny image of all the readers making different faces now lol.

I don’t watch a lot of television but most recently MrJK has found a show on YouTube which is like a prank show. The hosts play different tricks on the general public and it’s awesome to see people’s serious reactions to things and then once they find out they have been recorded they laugh their heads off.

After a hard day, sometimes I just put things like that on to remind my how to laugh. Even if I felt miserable, there was no way I could even stop myself from laughing after that show.

Do you live a hectic life? I do. Have you had a week from another planet? Do you have deadlines coming out of your ears and so much stuff to do? I do! Well… how about we promise ourselves that we will find at least 30 minutes to do something fun for ourselves?! If you can do more and spend the whole weekend having fun then even better. Even if you have lots of things to do which aren’t very exciting, think about way to inject fun into those things.

Housework and I aren’t the best of friends but since I’ve made chores into a game with my children, housework has become quite fun. We have competitions and timed activities and some times I play music and jump around or have a dance with the vacuum cleaner. Gosh it becomes so much fun.

Last week we went to the cemetery to clean up my mum’s grave stone and put new flowers down. Somehow I turned all of that into a game and the kids and I had a wonderful time. There was so much joy in a place you perhaps wouldn’t normally expect there to be. We laughed our socks off as well as having a time of quiet reflection. It was simply beautiful.

So here’s my usual Friday challenge… I challenge you to inject some fun into your weekend even if it’s just for a little while around all the other tasks you have planned or within them. Please don’t come out with that rubbish that you have too much to do and so you can’t. You can! You just need to feel free to have some fun and don’t let anything stop you. Otherwise life will be too serious and your mood will down in that ‘too serious’ place also… sounds boring to me.

Peace and love


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