Words to inspire – It is well.

It is well…
Today, on the 16th anniversary of my mum’s departure from this earth, I decided to write a poem which will hopefully inspire. It’s called ‘It is well.’

It is well…
When things are all over the place and life looks a mess
I don’t worry so much now because I know I’m awaiting the best.
It is well.
It doesn’t matter if yesterday didn’t work out in a good way
Because there’s another chance to work on those things today.
It is well.
I didn’t think I’d cope without my mum being on this earth cos she always picked me up when I fell.
But its 16 years today since her departure and do you know what?
It is well.
I still miss her like crazy and it really hurts some times.
But I’ve learnt to turn that pain into stories and rhymes.
It is well.
Since her departure, I’m confident that my awesome children were sent to bless me.
Watching them grow brings so much joy to my heart. Mum left a beautiful legacy.
It is well.
Those of you that have experienced grief, will understand that there’s a feeling that can come upon us without warning just like a thief.
It can pull us right down and we feel like we can’t get up.
I used to have another feeling too, like I was a volcano getting ready to erupt.
But by the grace of God that feeling isn’t strong anymore.
Some way, some how I’ve been restored.
I rejoice today and I’m happy to tell
Anyone that will listen, that it is well.
Life is very different since I’ve been set free
Free from the chains of sadness that entangled me.
I’m free to smile and live happily
Free to reflect on every sweet memory.
Mum spread so much joy on this earth in her 50 years.
I can remember all those things now, without being in floods of tears.
I believe we will meet again when it’s my time to hear heaven’s bell.
Until then, I’m doing what she would have wanted. I’m living out my purpose and trusting in the Lord.
It is well!

Peace and love


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