Words to inspire – Be Still and listen

Be still and listen

I woke up this morning thinking hmmm I have no words today. Now for me to have no words, there must be a reason because I usually have words for days.

I actually just stopped and sat quietly for a while to feel my heart beat and listen to myself breathe. Then I realised there was a point to this. Sometimes we are so busy worrying and complaining we forget all our blessings. I am blessed to have a heart that beats normally on its own and blessed to breathe without any equipment.

What I also picked up from this is, sometimes we talk too much and when we do we don’t always hear what we are meant to hear. There could be messages from out others, you won’t hear the voice of the Almighty if you believe, neither will you hear messages from the aspects of creation.

When I have the opportunity, I love laying on the beach with my feet up. I love listening to the waves rush against the sand. If you listen carefully it sounds as if the waves are talking. This might sound weird but I’ve received lots of inspiration from the waves. Even in the silence they speak to me.

Sometimes when I am seeking direction on things, I go into what I call my secret closet. I often reduce the conversations I have with others because I don’t want my emotions to make decisions for me and when I speak things out loud and it gets mixed with other viewpoints, sometimes I move too quickly to do something or take a route I may not have needed to take.

The answer is often there and in the still quiet moment we may hear that confirming message which we wouldn’t hear if we’re busy talking. Don’t get me wrong, it’s good to talk about issues of the mind but sometimes we just need to close our mouths be still and open our ears more.

At school I often play a silence game with the children. I find when there’s too much noise they can’t even think. They often know how to answer certain questions but because of the noise they can’t reach into their memory bank or their problem solving bank to get the answer due to the distractions.

I used to hate sitting in silence. I always wanted some sort of background noise or music. I sit in silence a lot now because it helps me empty my mind of the woes and worries. Fear can hear me say “get lost” when it’s quiet.

I’m a Christian so I take my example from Jesus who often went off alone to be still and pray. There must have been a good reason for it. I know I’ve said this before but please make sure you make room for some quiet time. You may be reminded of things you take for granted or often forget about or you may hear something you need to hear.

Be still and listen.

Peace and love



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