Words to inspire – Give fear its marching orders

We have the power to overcome fear by telling it to leave.

I know that might sound wacky but it works. Like worry, fear can attach itself to us but it can also disappear through our own choices. It’s a state of the mind and I’ve realised with the Almighty’s help it can vanish.

Fear and worry are relatives and they gel well together. They both consume our time and stop us from doing better things. Fear can stop us from stepping out of our comfort zones and we worry about the outcome if we do. The result usually is, we do nothing and they win.

I used to be scared of failure and I would worry about everything that could possibly go wrong. I would be able to draw up a long list of negative things which will make me even more fearful. I could talk myself out of lots of things due to fear. However, one day I woke up and thought, if I’ve never tried it how do I know I can’t do it or what I will do won’t succeed?

My lil lady Nae-Nae used to have no concept of fear and danger. As a child she would climb up high onto things and somersault off for fun. We used have to keep our eyes on her constantly. She would go to pre-school, stand on tables and just flip. She never hurt herself though.

As she grew older, something changed and she was totally scared of heights and any form of risk taking situations. She needed me to hold her hand just walking up some high steps to get to the tall slide in our local park. I used to wonder, how was it that at 3 years old she would run up it like nothing but then at age 7 she couldn’t do it without someone’s help?!

Fear can be developed in our minds but the same way it wasn’t there before, the same way it can leave. Sometimes we just have to ignore that voice that chats rubbish in our ears and tell it to jog on. We have the power to do that.

Last summer Nae-Nae climbed a high wall without thinking too much about it just like the good ol’ days. Something in her decided that she was no longer going to let that fearful thought consume and restrict her from reaching up high. She was so proud of herself too.

We went roller skating at the weekend on the cycle path near our house. There are lots of steep hills there. Nae-Nae hasn’t tried this since she was little but before Christmas she asked me to buy her some skates. It was so out of the blue I just went with it.

It was clear that she was totally petrified of skating up and down the hills but she still said “Come on let’s go.” She smiled at fear and didn’t let it affect her or talk her out of doing it. She was skating up and down in no time like she’s been doing it regularly.

I was talking to a young man about performing in front of a whole school. He was like nope! He told me it was too hard. I asked him how he knew it was hard if he had never done it before. He told me that it just looks scary. The little weasel called fear had got into his ears and made him believe it was too hard. Once the young man evicted fear he was fine and actually in a place I believe he needed to be. It was beautiful to see.

We are often fearful of the unknown but it will always be the unknown if you don’t approach it and choose to run the opposite way. Fear can be conquered by staring it in the face.

Have you let fear overstay its welcome in your life? Have you let worry and fear do a tag team act on you? Are you scared to take certain leaps in life, in jobs and careers, relationships and family life because you fear that the outcome will be bad because it has been previously or you just can’t see success happening?

Some of the greatest things I’ve done in life have happened because I told fear to get the heck away from me. However I’ve also blocked some great things because I’ve allowed fear to linger.

You might be thinking, it’s easier said than done, but have you actually told fear to just leave? Try it. You might be surprised what happens.

Fear and worry have no place in our lives. Don’t let them reside for too long.

Peace and love


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