Words to inspire – worry wastes time.

Worry is a big time waster. Spend time on better things.

I used to spend hours worrying about things I couldn’t control. I would worry about the worse case scenario and I must have spent valuable time coming up with some rubbish. However I have some friends that used to go beyond my levels of worry. Even I was baffled to how they could come up with some far fetched stuff. Pure genius. If there were awards for worrying they would win. I’m so happy that they are learning not to do it so much now.

The thing was, most of the things we spent time worrying about never came true. On the contrary miracles happened. This has helped me chill the heck out now. Some of the worse things you can imagine have already happened and I’m still standing. If I’m meant to continue to overcome things that come my way, I most definitely will. If I’m not meant to conquer them, then there will be a reason for that. There’s usually a pattern.

Think about the conversations you have had with others about that worry. How many seconds of the 86,400 daily amount did you use during that conversation? Then multiply it by two as your friend or family member would have spent some of their seconds listening to your worry. I used to worry about things and then draw others in who spent their time trying to help me process it. Lots of time was wasted.

I found that I usually worried about things that may have gone wrong before, so I was convinced they would go wrong again even if the new situation had nothing to do with the old. I didn’t think that perhaps this time it might go right, but either way whatever will be will be.

I didn’t think good things would happen to me so I also spent time dreaming up some of the bad things that were bound to come my way. It was ridiculous!

If I spent all those hours of worry on more productive things like making music, writing or a workout in the gym, gosh I would probably have lots of albums and books written by now and have the firmest looking body around.

Some of us spend time worrying about what others think and might possibly say about us. If we stopped worrying and spent that time being proactive and doing the things that made us happy, there would be no time to even consider other people’s thoughts or even care about their views on us because we would be happy with ourselves.

If you believe in God like I do, by worrying you are actually saying “God I don’t trust you to make everything alright.” If you have time to battle with the Almighty, good luck with that. As I was reflecting on this today, I was even taken to a passage in the Bible that stated “Do not be anxious for anything…” I was like wow great confirmation.

Worry steals our joy. It can take our focus off what we are meant to be doing. I used to spend time worrying about other family members and friends, people who are even older than me who really I have no business worrying about. I just assumed responsibility for them.

While I was focusing on them, those I have been given to care for were losing out on my valuable time. OMG, the day I let go of that worry and concern for others which was quite obsessive, the moment I was able to invest more time in my little family and things I am purposed to do. It was like a burden lifted off me and I was made free.

Obviously, I still care for those people but I’ve left their lives in the hands of the creator who can actually do something about it. I was just trying. No more will I worry so much and think about ways I can help to try and fix things for them or help them to have a life I think they have been called to have. That’s not my job. We all need to make our own choices and deal with the consequences of those choices good or not so good.

I live a very different life to what I used to. I won’t lie and say I’m completely worry-free but I don’t let worry consume my time and energy anymore. If worry sets in, I quickly transfer it to the place it belongs and get on with life. If things are going to happen they will, good or not so good. I can just pray that we will be ok no matter what the outcome is. It seems to be working.

Please don’t waste valuable seconds worrying. Spend your time on better things.

Peace and love.


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