Words to inspire – spend some seconds on you

We don’t have to make time for ourselves just choose how we spend the time on ourselves.

It’s Friday! Wow I’ve had a wonderful week off my main working activities. I’ve spent lots of time with my lil family and I’ve seen lots of things that have inspired me and hopefully they will inspire you over the weeks and months.

As it’s Friday, my tradition for that day of the week is to remind everyone to ensure the whole week doesn’t pass without us doing something for ourselves. No doubt we do so much for others. We’re parents, siblings, friends, employees, business people, volunteers, etc etc. All these things involve other people in some way, so I’m sure we’ve spent all week serving others. Have we served ourselves?

I’ve written about this before but I think sometimes we need good reminders. There are 86,400 seconds in a day, so we don’t even need to make time for ourselves. It has already been created. All we need to do is decide how we spend those seconds.

I hear lots of people say “I’ve been too busy doing things for others, there’s no time for me.” I used to say that but the only issue there was my own time management.

I had a conversation with a mum of three young children the other day. She is a great mum who loves to interact and play with her children. She would wait for them to take a nap before she did the housework leaving little time for her to chill with a book or do the things she wanted. So I suggested leaving them to play alone together and keep her eyes on them from a distance while she spends 10-15 minutes on the housework. That way she gives herself an extra 10 minutes/600 seconds to do something else while they are taking a nap.

Sometimes we just need to make little adjustments. If that doesn’t work, you can try something else but don’t give up on you and time spent on you. We’re not bad parents if we use some of the seconds on the day on ourselves, actually I think that makes us better parents.

I told my children the other day that I needed to spend a certain amount of time on song writing. During that time they needed to find something to occupy themselves or I would make some suggestions. Yes they are older and more independent now so that’s easy but younger children and those with additional needs can also occupy themselves in some way, even if you are giving them the activities. I used to turn housework and chores into a game for my children to play along. They loved it lol. Every little helps.

I’m choosing lots of seconds this weekend to do the things I like. Trust me, if I’m happy, everyone around me is happy. My children get excited for me when I say I’m going to the gym or out with friends. They too know I deserve it. As I walk out the door, JJ always says “Have fun mum.” It’s also showing him how to live life well.

So please no excuses! There’s lots of seconds you can spend on yourself, just choose which ones. Manage the time wisely. Do you! Let fun live in your life.

Peace and love


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