Words to inspire – As we draw nearer things become clearer

As we draw nearer, things become clearer.

The other day I was driving through the fog and I must say I’d rather heavy rain than fog. Sometimes it’s a bit scary because you can’t see much further than the rays of your fog lights.

JJ was with me in the car and we had a discussion about fog and he thought it was a cool picture to take and I agreed.

I often liken my life to the foggy morning in the car. There are things in life that are a bit scary mainly because we don’t know what the outcome will be. We can’t see beyond what is happening today. However, things become clearer as we journey on. There will always be mysteries but each time we move a little closer we have clarity for the things we couldn’t see clearly before.

This is the time of the year when I draw closer to the anniversary of my mum’s departure from this earth so I’m going to visit the cemetery with my children. They call it ‘granny’s garden’. I remember when mum died, I had no idea how I was going to get through life without her being on earth with me. The future looked foggy. I had a choice, I could have just stopped still and not carried on with life or keep going and find out what was going to happen. I chose the latter and things are just fine.

I wondered about my children’s future after the diagnosis of ASD. I didn’t have the answers. I could only hope and pray that things would be ok for them. We experience lots of foggy times but after that comes a brighter day and things are so much clearer. I never imagined what I see in front of me now.

We might be in a situation and we might not know how things are going to work out because our vision is blurred. However, if you carry on moving forward there will be clarity eventually. We might have to walk through lots of foggy days and it might be a little scary but that’s not a good enough reason to give up especially when you know the fog will lift one day. It’s something that just happens.

Don’t let the mysteries of life steal your joy. Press on and there will be clarity one day. Things will become clearer and a brighter day will inevitably eventually come.

Peace and love


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