Words to inspire – Use the tools in your hands

Use the tools that have been placed in your hands.

Yesterday somehow I was reminded of the different experiences I’ve had in life and how I can utilise the things I’ve learnt for the present and the future.

MrJK bought me a lovely watch for Valentine’s Day but I have a fairly small wrist so all chain strap watches need to be adjusted to fit. I opened it and thought argh. I thought about having to make a trip to town to adjust it and the extra cost I may incur. Then I remembered I used to adjust watch straps in my sleep when I worked at a retail store about 20 years ago. I had a think, then I found the relevant tools and started adjusting the strap. All the memories flooded back and I did it! I was so super proud of myself.

Sometimes we look and search for answers and look for things we should be doing but actually the answers are already in our hands. We just have to remember they are there and discover how we can use them properly.

If someone put a microphone in your hand, what is the first thing you would do? Yes put it closer to your mouth and speak through it or tap it (which I don’t advise) to check if there’s sound coming out. Once that’s done, there’s two choices, you either say something or you put it down and walk away. The latter used to be the common one for me. I did that out of fear. Thankfully, I am free of a lot of that rubbish now.

Lots of things I have been given have prepared me for careers I didn’t even think were possible. I have been blessed with many talents and instead of me looking for other things to do, I am learning that I need to use what I have got. I’m also discovering that there are things I forgot I could do.

My children are both artists and incredible ones too. I used to think, where did they get that from? Then one day I remembered. I think I blocked out some of my history because of trauma. However, one day I remembered I used to draw for hours. I don’t know why I stopped doing it or stopped believing I could, but I did.

One day Nae-Nae refused to draw something I needed for my online story telling series. For some reason she just didn’t want to do it that day. She said “Mummy, you do it.” I laughed and said “I can’t.” She looked at me with that look. I often tell my children “can’t” doesn’t exist especially if you haven’t even tried. Then there I was doing the thing I tell them not to. I was convicted and I went away and drew what I needed. It turned out really well and it taught me something… What I need has already been placed in my hands, but I need to use it and keep using it until it speaks!

As a singer songwriter and musician, I need to keep playing, keep writing and then act. I was not given those things just for me to sit on. Those gifts are there for a purpose and I need to discover how to use them properly. Thankfully I’m starting to do that again.

My life itself is an incredible story but if I don’t tell that story, how will other people that are going through similar things be inspired and know there can be victory after the fighting?

My son JJ has an incredible graphic design and film editing gift but it won’t develop if he is not using it and using it properly. Therefore, I set him a project every week to film, edit and put animation on my videos for my kids Show on YouTube. I pay him every week to do it because he’s helping me out, but the main reason I do it is to encourage him to use what is in his hands. This could be a career he would not have ordinarily considered because not many people around him everyday are doing it.

What is in your hands? I woke up singing an original gospel song with the words “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.” Now when songs come like that already written with the words and melody I know they come from the heavens and are downloaded to me. Anyway like that says, do you have breath? What are you doing with that breath? Are you opening your mouth to speak? Have you been given a sweet sounding voice? If so, are you singing? Are you good with your hands? Are you making stuff or fixing stuff?

Have you had life experiences that would blow other people’s minds? Are you sharing those experiences? Are you using those experiences to build the career that’s probably waiting for you to grab?

Have you got tools in your hands and you are just holding onto them and sitting on your hands? Have you forgotten how to use them or are you burying them in the ground because you think they are of no use?

Well please let me encourage you to pick them up, remember how to use them and then take action. Start somewhere, start over if you have to but please use them. By using them you could transform your life and others.

I’ve decided that I’m going to write down a list of tools/gifts/talents that I have. I sometimes forget about some things. Then I am going to ask myself if I am using them properly? If not why not? I will think about how I can start using them and then actually start using them and using them until they speak to me! Try it! It might provide answers that you’ve been looking for. If there aren’t jobs out there whereby you can use them, perhaps you need to create that job?!

Use the tools that have been placed in your hands.

Peace and love


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