Words to inspire – life looks different when you’re standing on your head

Life looks different when you’re standing on your head.

It’s Valentine’s Day so it would be a predictable thing to write about love, so I chose not to, well not specifically but what I will write may have some link because most things come back to love.

Those that follow me and read my posts regularly will know I have two children on the Autistic spectrum. MrJK and I aren’t diagnosed but we both definitely sit there too, one more than the other.

As a result I often have to see things from a different angle and when I do wow it looks so different. Have you ever tried standing on your head to look at what’s around? Just by changing position you get a different view of the same picture.

Ok here comes the love bit… In relationships and friendships we all enter with our own views. Some of us may look at the same situation and come up with something that the other person just can’t see. That’s because they are looking from a different angle. I’m usually the one to stand on my head when everyone else is standing upright and when I tell them what I see they will usually look at me like huh because they didn’t look at it that way.

Some of us are convinced that what we see is the only thing to see so anything else gets dismissed. I used to have that attitude, my way is the only way, but I think the Almighty smiled down on me and thought ok let’s see her handle this and along came my husband and down came my children. They have taught me some very interesting things in life. Gosh I now live a very flexible life often standing on my head because I have to.

I offered to take my boy JJ to a local dessert place recently. He said no. I was like huh? However, he wasn’t saying no forever but just for that moment. He then broke it down for me why it wasn’t the best time to go. His brain downloaded a fact sheet of answers with things I hadn’t even considered. By the end of the discussion I rescheduled. He gave me a date and time this week when it will be better. No doubt he will be spot on.

JJ also offered to babysit his sister in case his dad and I wanted to go out this evening. Then in the same breath he retracted it and said something along the lines of “Actually, why would you want to do that and be out of the busiest couples day when most people will be out trying to find a spot? It will be so busy it won’t be fun.” I laughed because the image he created for me made me very grateful for the plans to stay in with a home cooked meal, candles and treats.

Sometimes there are things in our lives that just aren’t working. It might be that they aren’t meant for us but like I said yesterday it could be the timing or it could be that we need to start looking at things from a different angle or perspective.

My husband may not be the one that likes going out socialising much so our date nights out aren’t regular but that doesn’t mean he loves me any less than a man that would take me out every week. His character isn’t like others. Trust me he is a very unique being like his children. I used to battle against that until I stood on my head and saw the world from a different angle and not listened to the views of others unless they were equally standing on their heads. I’ve never been happier. And no it’s not settling its understanding what I’ve been given and ensuring I get the best out of life with those tools.

If you are a control freak like I used to be, try relaxing on that and take on board positive suggestions and interventions from others and let the Almighty take control. Don’t just do something different but also look at things from a different angle you may discover something very interesting that you didn’t see before.

Life looks very different when you’re standing on your head.

Don’t forget to love yourself.

Peace and love


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