Words to inspire – learning to wait.

No can become NOW if you take the W from Wait.

Sometimes we ask for an answer or we look for direction and we don’t get it immediately. I don’t know about you but I used to take that as a No! I would think ok maybe I’m not meant to do that thing. I would think that the dream and a desire that I had was just something of my imagination which was more like a fantasy that doesn’t come true.

Well… getting a NO sometimes, would crush my dreams until I realised something… Sometimes the No wasn’t a No. It might have been a No to that precise moment or a No to that situation but not necessarily a No to the vision or dream. It may have been that I just needed to exercise patience and wait for the appointed time and when that comes I will hear everything in my being shouting NOW!

Lots of us give up on stuff because we think, because it hasn’t happened when we wanted it to or when we expected it to means it’s not meant to be. At times this is correct but sometimes we may just need to wait. We may need to experience a few more things first so the outcome will be sweeter.

I remember a time several years ago, when I offered to write a personalised assembly song for a school I was connected to. I wrote some ideas and did the first draft and everything. Trust me, the first draft was a great but the leadership for some reason didn’t chew my hand off for it. I was offering it for free, no strings attached, nothing. It was a beautiful offer so I just didn’t understand the response or lack of response I should say.
I’ll be honest for a while I took the silence /avoidance as a rejection. It made me think perhaps I wasn’t meant to do it and it was just a fantasy. Then I woke up and realised actually perhaps the time just wasn’t right and the place I was offering it to were not ready for such a thing because it didn’t fit in their vision at the time and that ok.

Today, not only am I writing a song a month for a school to fit in with values education, but I’ve also been asked to do something else which is pretty special, for more than one school. I silently freaked out in a positive way when it was suggested to me. I thought I was going to burst. It’s a dream come true.

This was a lesson to me. No, doesn’t have to mean No never, it might just mean No not at this precise time, but if you wait a little while that word may change. Also, sometimes I try to rush things because I want it immediately. At times I still get the thing I wanted but then realise it may have been better and run much smoother if I had waited.

Are there things that you totally believe you are meant to do, or there’s something that is meant to happen but nothing positive is currently happening to make you believe you are on the right track? Are you about to give up because you are tired of what you think is a permanent NO? Well, perhaps the time wasn’t yesterday and your NOW is yet to come?!
Be still and wait. The Almighty, creator is in control. If it’s meant to be it will be at the appointed time. You may need to exercise patience, chill out about it and wait for that moment that will never pass you by. Don’t think time is ticking and you are getting too old for it either. It will never be too late. It will always be on time.
No can become Now if we Wait!

Peace and love


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