Words to inspire – for different results try something different

If you want different results try to do something different.

Sometimes we have the habit of complaining about what isn’t right but at the same time we’re not prepared to do something different. We want a situation to have a different outcome but we’re still doing the same thing as we’ve always done hoping everything else will make a change and fix up. Or we are not prepared to step out of our comfort zones and we wonder why things in our lives are stagnant.

The picture attached is one of my favourites. The photographer asked me whether I could do a head stand. I hadn’t done so for a long time but I was willing to give it a go. Then she pointed to the spot to do it. I was like ‘are you serious on that concrete floor against that concrete wall in these clothes, wearing this piece of jewellery?’ When she nodded her head I thought that’s a bit different and who would do that? Well she obviously thought that I should. I gave it a go but I was so scared of hurting my head, crashing into the wall and breaking something if it didn’t go well. She captured the shot as I was attempting it.

This year I’ve decided that I’m going to start doing things a little different and be open to connect with different people. For me that’s massive. Believe it or not but people and me just didn’t go together in my head. I would only talk to other people when I had to because of my profession and as for hanging out with people outside of my nuclear circle lol, you’ve got to be joking. That was not happening. I could have phone conversations with anyone but face to face contact for the fun of it? Nah hardly ever. I could hang out with children and young people all day long but adults, nah I was not feeling it.

One day I woke up and thought doh how on earth will I live out my purpose which heavily involves people, by inspiring them, helping and coaching people, music, stories etc if I don’t talk to people and listen to their stories? If I don’t connect with people, I’m actually limiting the growth of lots of things and blocking opportunities but also the support I may not have known that I have needed.

This week I did two things I don’t normally do or my life circumstances have previously prevented me from doing so. I went out to dinner with work colleagues just because and hung with a group of people in my church who I haven’t had much connection with before. I had a lovely time.

The work one, well in my previous full time job I would not be meeting up with people just because. If someone was leaving or my small team wanted to hang out because it was someone’s birthday or something then maybe, but never in the evening. Ok my home life has changed somewhat so it is easier to do those things now, but still, to get me to just do it without lots of convincing is massive. I’m in a new season so old season thinking may not work well so I’m trying to do some things differently and see what happens.
Sometimes we are given a situation or perhaps a relationship but things aren’t working too well. However, it’s not moving on because perhaps the purpose of that thing hasn’t ended. At those times we may need to look at what we have been doing and perhaps try a different approach. Lack of progression may have been down to our previous approach to the thing. We may have to do something we’ve never done before, for it to work. That may be a hard thing but it might be the thing that changes everything.
I know someone who was used to dating a particular kind of man. Unfortunately or fortunately, those situations have not worked for her. Without putting too much thought into it she has been open to something different. She has been brought something different. He kind of just landed and somehow, so far the outcome is beautiful.

Even if things in our lives are working well, it still might be useful to try something different. You don’t know what that thing could bring to your journey. As for me, I’m looking for a different outcome in many things this year so I’m trying different things. It might be a bit scary at first but that’s not a good enough reason not to try.
May I encourage you to explore that for yourself too.

Peace and love


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