Words to inspire – Don’t ignore the beauty around you.

Don’t ignore the beauty around you.

I know I used to do this a lot and in life it’s very easy to do. We get so caught up in our circumstances and what isn’t great that we miss the beautiful things around us.

When the photographer took the photo, I was like wow. I have been to that location hundreds of times but never seen it look so beautiful. The thing is, it was probably always there like that but because I have always been on a mission when I have walked passed I must have missed it.

Lots of us complain and complain and complain. We look at our circumstances and because there are some or even lots of issues, we dwell on the issues, especially if it looks like everyone else is living happy and comfortably.

As a parent of children with additional needs it could be so easy to get into the ‘woe is me’ attitude. I didn’t do that much but its easy to do. When you look at other families that can carry on without the sleepless nights, can go to the shops without any issues and can go out as a family with no problems, life could get you down. Don’t get me know, life is hard but at the same time we must try not to let that overshadow the beauty that is around us and be consumed by negativity and draw others into it too.

There might not be many things that seem to be going right in our lives but actually there are probably loads of things. However, if we focus on what is wrong we will not have time to look at what is right. We will focus on the mess and miss the message.

I do think all things happen for a reason and what is meant for our bad can be made for our good. However, if we don’t get out of the negative mentality we will miss the beauty that’s waiting to embrace us.

Every morning I wake up, I thank God for breath. Lots of people can’t breathe without a machine. I can breathe freely and that is a beautiful thing. I’m thankful for my family despite what it looks like sometimes. Many people are alone.

Sometimes we are given small mercies but because our major issue hasn’t been resolved that small mercy is overlooked. It’s easily done. That small mercy could be a contributing factor to the bigger picture and it in itself is beautiful but we will ignore it.

There’s so much beauty around us and sometimes we just need to stop and take it all in. Let it lift our spirits even if for just a moment. Count your blessings, name them one by one and hopefully they will overshadow the wrong.

Please don’t ignore the beauty around you. It might be crying out to help you feel better.

Peace and love


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