Words to inspire – Let it go

At one of my jobs, I work with 7 and 8 year olds. They love music so to help them focus I often play background music while they are working. One of them is into the movie Frozen and everything about it so if I need to draw that child in more I play the song, “Let it go.” It works like magic. To them it never gets old and it’s grown on me now too.

I’ve actually been using the phrase on some of my work colleagues and friends when their mouths fill up with complaints or they are frustrated about something. I start singing “Let it go.” Or I send it via text if they aren’t with me. It works like magic here too because they often stop and laugh or just roll their eyes at me. Either way it distracts them from what they were flowing in.

Sometimes we hold onto things and hold people in our hearts negatively for far too long. One result of this is that bitterness emerges in our hearts and it affects our future choices.

I remember a piece of advice we were given during our customary wedding ceremony. We were advised, never go to sleep without resolving an argument because we don’t know if either of us will wake up in the morning to apologise. Gosh that has stuck with me all this time and 16 years later both of us still try not to be angry with each other before we fall asleep. It doesn’t always work but if we fail to resolve things before falling asleep we still pray for each other. Neither of us would want the last time we spoke to each other being a time of strife.

I’ve experienced some terrible things in life and people have done some terrible things to me but I have learnt to let it go. By letting it go doesn’t mean everything is alright with us, with some no way, never! However I don’t sit around thinking about what they did to me and let it eat me up inside anymore. I don’t let those things affect my future apart from using those things to inspire others to speak up, not to accept less than what you deserve and never allow anyone to control your actions. That is down to the Almighty and ourselves.

A lot of things we hold onto in our hearts are not worth our energy. If we invested that energy into forward thinking it will reap a better blessing. Those things will only hold us back like a chain around our necks. Those things can have an impact on our progression.

There was one time when I wanted to take revenge and make people pay or teach those that crossed me a lesson. Just thinking about the different plots consumed me and distracted me from what I needed to be using my energy for. Now, if anyone offends me if I don’t have chance to tell them, I just let it go over my head and carry on with life. I haven’t got time for negativity now. It blocks my assignments.

I’ve also learnt that the expectations I had of people were the expectations I have of myself. If I’ve done wrong I would acknowledge it and repent and try to make it right but others don’t always do likewise and that used to annoy me. Also when someone has been affected by something tragic, there’s no way that I wouldn’t do all I could to make sure they are ok or at least have someone to talk to and not just assume they were good because they didn’t say.

When I went through that situation I found myself getting angry with my family and friends who I didn’t think showed me the kind of love I would have shown. Now I’ve realised not everyone is like me and I can’t make people like me and just because I would do something, doesn’t mean I should expect everyone else to act in that way. No one is like me! I had to let it go and love them regardless. God sent the people he needed to send to help me anyway so for that I’m truly grateful and we have overcome some really tough times and I don’t hold anyone in my heart negatively now.
Are there things you are holding onto that don’t contribute to your happiness and have a negative impact on your future choices? If so please find ways to be at peace with them and let it go.

Peace and love


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