Words to inspire – Don’t forget to have fun

Life can be a very serious thing especially when you are an adult. We have bills to pay, we may have dependants relying on us and there are so many demands on us. However, one thing I was reminded of this week in particular was, don’t forget to have fun.
Yesterday I had some of the children I work with in proper fits of laughter because I was being my usual wacky self during some of our learning times. This didn’t stop them from achieving the things I wanted them to, actually the opposite, it seemed to have an incredible impact on them.
Sometimes we have to bring fun in our lives even when what we are doing isn’t supposed to be fun. It makes the day go faster. I had such an amazing day being creative and fun which lifted my spirits too.
Some of us are all work work work, study study study, home, home home and repeat. We moan and complain about everything that’s not perfect and we forget that fun needs to be injected somewhere.
Even if you are house bound for particular reasons, there are things you can do at home to have fun, lots of things. Even if you have a challenging home life, that’s still not an good enough reason in my opinion.
I challenge you this weekend. Do not forget to have fun.

Peace and love


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