Words to inspire – take action and take action again.

Following on from yesterday, once we get rid of self doubt, we need to act. It’s all well and good to talk about changing and start believing you can do things, but if you don’t actually take action and try things out, you will still be in the same state.
I know this too well. I stop doubting myself in my head and talk a good talk but then I would find reasons not to do it straight away and I would avoid it for ages, at which point the fear and doubt resurrected.
Like I did with that young person, we may need to put pieces of paper in front of us daily and actively believe?!
Another thing I used to do after overcoming the fear was, begin to take that leap of faith and do the thing I didn’t think I was able to. I would then find out that I was actually amazing at it but then I don’t do it again ever or just not for ages or not until someone else prompts me to do it again… I know it’s ridiculous!
To fully get over self-doubt is like learning to play an instrument. If you have one lesson and you realise it’s not as hard as you thought it would be, but then you don’t pick up that instrument again for weeks and months, it’s no good. You have to keep on it so you can develop the craft and make progress.
Self-doubt can stop us climbing higher but if we don’t act and act again, we will also remain at the same level. Another example of this could be within relationships. You may desire to have a partner, find one you like, go out on a date, get on really well but then never contact them again. Seriously what would be the point? Unless you have a confirmation from the Almighty that this isn’t the person you need to be with, why would that make any sense? You have to keep dating to get to know each other more, keep talking etc. You might even have to put in a lot of hard work. Oh, one thing about that, just because that thing requires a lot of hard work doesn’t mean it’s wrong and not meant to be. Some of the greatest achievements in my life have caused me a lot of pain and required me to put in a lot of hard work. Just because it’s our purpose doesn’t mean it will be effortless, so please don’t let that stop you either.
Step 1 – get rid of self-doubt
Step 2 – take action
Step 3 – take action again and again and again. Keep going!

Peace and love


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