
Words to inspire – Do not resent the days of small beginnings

February 28, 2017 8:48 am

Do not resent the days of small beginnings. Out of those days rivers of life could flow. I’ve learnt this lesson lots of times over the years. Sometimes I start something and it doesn’t look like it’s going anywhere because it’s small but each thing has just provided a piece of the puzzle for the bigger picture. Yesterday I was talking to someone I really respect. He helped me understand that a small idea that I have could be revolutionary and could change my life financially so I have to do it. When I was made redundant last year I…

Words to inspire – start climbing in order to reach the top

February 27, 2017 6:37 am

We will never reach the top if we don’t start climbing. This is may seem like an obvious thing but is it? I am someone that has lots of dreams and visions for things. Lots of these things are still nothing but dreams because I haven’t done anything about them. I receive confirmation that they are the right things to do but I still sit on them for years. I think I was waiting for something, but the funny thing is I don’t even know what I’ve been waiting for. Over the weekend I tackled something that I had put…

Words to inspire – inject some fun into your life

February 24, 2017 6:32 am

Don’t let life become too serious. Feel free to have fun. I was hanging out with some kids one day and one of them suggested that I get on the floor and act like I’m sleeping and let them cover me from head to toe with lots of bean bags. I think they were a bit confused and shocked when I agreed to do it. I think it shocked them because I’m an adult and at times us adults make life too serious and portray the image that it’s a crime to play silly games. We can’t do this, we…

Words to inspire – It is well.

February 23, 2017 3:34 am

It is well… Today, on the 16th anniversary of my mum’s departure from this earth, I decided to write a poem which will hopefully inspire. It’s called ‘It is well.’ It is well… When things are all over the place and life looks a mess I don’t worry so much now because I know I’m awaiting the best. It is well. It doesn’t matter if yesterday didn’t work out in a good way Because there’s another chance to work on those things today. It is well. I didn’t think I’d cope without my mum being on this earth cos she…

Words to inspire – Be Still and listen

February 22, 2017 6:49 am

Be still and listen I woke up this morning thinking hmmm I have no words today. Now for me to have no words, there must be a reason because I usually have words for days. I actually just stopped and sat quietly for a while to feel my heart beat and listen to myself breathe. Then I realised there was a point to this. Sometimes we are so busy worrying and complaining we forget all our blessings. I am blessed to have a heart that beats normally on its own and blessed to breathe without any equipment. What I also…

Words to inspire – Give fear its marching orders

February 21, 2017 6:30 am

We have the power to overcome fear by telling it to leave. I know that might sound wacky but it works. Like worry, fear can attach itself to us but it can also disappear through our own choices. It’s a state of the mind and I’ve realised with the Almighty’s help it can vanish. Fear and worry are relatives and they gel well together. They both consume our time and stop us from doing better things. Fear can stop us from stepping out of our comfort zones and we worry about the outcome if we do. The result usually is,…

Words to inspire – worry wastes time.

February 20, 2017 6:03 am

Worry is a big time waster. Spend time on better things. I used to spend hours worrying about things I couldn’t control. I would worry about the worse case scenario and I must have spent valuable time coming up with some rubbish. However I have some friends that used to go beyond my levels of worry. Even I was baffled to how they could come up with some far fetched stuff. Pure genius. If there were awards for worrying they would win. I’m so happy that they are learning not to do it so much now. The thing was, most…

Words to inspire – spend some seconds on you

February 17, 2017 9:54 am

We don’t have to make time for ourselves just choose how we spend the time on ourselves. It’s Friday! Wow I’ve had a wonderful week off my main working activities. I’ve spent lots of time with my lil family and I’ve seen lots of things that have inspired me and hopefully they will inspire you over the weeks and months. As it’s Friday, my tradition for that day of the week is to remind everyone to ensure the whole week doesn’t pass without us doing something for ourselves. No doubt we do so much for others. We’re parents, siblings, friends,…

Words to inspire – As we draw nearer things become clearer

February 16, 2017 8:47 am

As we draw nearer, things become clearer. The other day I was driving through the fog and I must say I’d rather heavy rain than fog. Sometimes it’s a bit scary because you can’t see much further than the rays of your fog lights. JJ was with me in the car and we had a discussion about fog and he thought it was a cool picture to take and I agreed. I often liken my life to the foggy morning in the car. There are things in life that are a bit scary mainly because we don’t know what the…

Words to inspire – Use the tools in your hands

February 15, 2017 8:23 am

Use the tools that have been placed in your hands. Yesterday somehow I was reminded of the different experiences I’ve had in life and how I can utilise the things I’ve learnt for the present and the future. MrJK bought me a lovely watch for Valentine’s Day but I have a fairly small wrist so all chain strap watches need to be adjusted to fit. I opened it and thought argh. I thought about having to make a trip to town to adjust it and the extra cost I may incur. Then I remembered I used to adjust watch straps…