Words to inspire – Don’t be afraid to ask

It’s exciting to be back! I took some time out to reflect and now I’m refreshed and ready to deliver words that will hopefully inspire you and others in some way. Please be encouraged to comment and share too.

So the word for myself this year is “Ask.” Prior to 2017 sometimes I have been too afraid to ask. I haven’t handled rejection very well previously, so for someone to say no when I have plucked up the courage to ask, did not go down well. However, I know I have missed opportunities in life due to that fear of rejection. Thankfully I trust that the Almighty will always guide me along my journey within my purpose so I will never miss things completely but perhaps I could have arrived at certain destinations earlier if I’d asked?!
At times I believe that things are set up for us but if we don’t walk towards them, ask for them and grab them with both hands, they will stay where there are.
As a result I have decided that I need to start asking more and not being afraid of the answer. If it’s not meant to be and the answer is no, that’s fine. However, my question/suggestion might be something that others were looking for but they didn’t even know until it was put before them.
I have had a passion and vision to write songs for school assemblies for many years, long before I had any involvement with schools other than my children’s. I just didn’t know how it would come into being. I started writing random things on random topics and put them on a shelf. They are still on those shelves waiting to be utilised.
The good news is, this year because I have started asking, I’m no longer just writing random things that sit on shelves. Today the vision of writing songs for school assemblies comes alive, because I asked! I’m so excited I could burst!
Before now I wouldn’t ask because I talk myself into the fact that the answer will be no anyway. On the day I asked about this, I was so nervous and I talked myself into believing that, it wouldn’t be possible. That was really stupid because I got the opposite response and other things have come out of it as a result.
This isn’t because I’m great and talented, although I’m truly grateful for the blessings of the gifts I’ve been given, but it’s because it’s my purpose. Now I’ve put fear behind me, I am free to walk in my purpose. I’m not expecting everything to be smooth sailing. There might be people and powers that will not want me to succeed or challenges that may come my way but that’s not going to stop me from asking continuously.
I have an album yet to be released and a completed book that is yet to be published because I haven’t asked and kept on asking. Yes lots of things happened in my life which impacted the release of these things and I understand that the timing wasn’t right too. However, now things are clearer, I can’t keep sitting and sabotaging things due to fear of the word ‘no’. I might have to get 1,000 ‘No thank you’s before I get the Yes. So I can’t give up yet.
Are you afraid to ask? Are you afraid to ask for people to help you? I used to be like that when it came to looking after my children especially. One I didn’t ask because I didn’t want to be a burden, two I didn’t want people to tell me that they can’t. There were other factors as well but these were some of them. Now I will take the help and I’m free to ask for it because I have seen the benefits. I didn’t think my children would ever leave mine or MrJK’s sight other than being at school. It would have continued to be like that if we didn’t ask.
People may be waiting in the wings to help you or be looking for the thing you are offering but didn’t know until you asked. So will you sit there with a life of regrets because you didn’t step out in faith and ask without being afraid?
It’s scary to ask sometimes but I can tell you, you will never know unless you do.
Don’t be afraid to ask.

Peace and love


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