Words to inspire Alphabet Advent Calendar 2012

Day 20

T is for Time for everything.

Alongside purpose I truly believe there is a time for everything and things will be made beautiful in their own time.
There’s a passage in the Bible that states:
“There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under the heavens:
a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to uproot…
…a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance…”

I might not understand why things happen right now but I truly believe there is a time for everything and there’s a reason for it all.
I used to want to rush things before their time and get frustrated when things didn’t happen when I thought they should.
I have had lots of dreams and visions about my life and purpose which I thought would have come to existence by now but they haven’t. There were days when I would watch people around me get to places I thought I was meant to get to and do certain things I know I am meant to do so I would wonder when will be my turn?
I do less of that now, as I trust that things will happen at the appointed time. I may still have lessons to learn which will make getting there even more beautiful even if I’m tired and weary now.
I have written a book and albums of songs and I planned to have them published and released by now but it hasn’t happened yet. I did get frustrated with myself over that but then I reminded myself of what I have had to deal with in the past few years. Now I think it probably was not the right time for those things but as I’ve grown and experienced more things I can make sure those things are even better and reflective of my journey. Some of the songs I wrote were meaningful to me at that time but now there’s an even greater message that I can take from those lyrics. Some of the people that weren’t in my life before but are now may need to read the book and hear the album. If they weren’t connected to me before they might not have come across it. I have not come across every song or book that has ever been written by every artist and author on the planet.

Therefore, I am now waiting patiently and working on other things until I am confident it is the right time. I will know when that is, because it will all happen as it should even when I least expect it. That’s usually the pattern in my life. I don’t believe all the work put in by me and the editors of the book and my music producer buddy was for nothing. It is just resting on the shelf and will be picked up when it’s meant to be picked up. Lots of things have a shelf life too.
I have a big vision for the future in terms of my career. I am now absolutely confident that it will be accomplished even if it looks slightly different to what I imagine. All the different jobs I do, both paid and voluntary lead me to this path and I know that I’m there to help build on the knowledge required and gather resources from the places I have been placed. I thought I was meant to do a certain course to get me to where I know I’m meant to go but now it doesn’t seem like the route I need to take or not for this moment anyway. I’m now trusting that I’m doing everything according to the plan for my life. The frustration is no longer there.

When I think about time, I also think about my use of time. What do I spend time doing and am I utilising valuable minutes and seconds? Admittedly I haven’t always been good at it but I also don’t beat myself up too much about it now. I understand that there’s a time to stop and rest so if I don’t get things done, maybe I’m just suppose to use the time to rest or have some quiet time and return to it later.
Sometimes I wake up in the morning to write this and something happens to stop me finishing before I leave home. I then continue it when I’m sitting in my work car park. I usually find that as I’m driving to school, certain memories or things that I didn’t think to include pop into my head so if I wrote it before leaving home and posted it then, it would not have had the same message and may not have impacted people in the same way.
There’s a time to laugh and enjoy things away from the building assignments, work, school, training and other responsibilities. I think it’s so important that we don’t lose sight of that, no matter how busy our lives become. We need to set aside time to meet up with friends, have a laugh with colleagues, friends and family. There’s a time to have fun.
I know my life is much simpler as I wait for the appointed time of things but also get the balance of time right for me. This is not an excuse to procrastinate just not stress when things don’t happen when I expect.
There’s a TIME for everything.

Peace and love


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