Words to inspire Alphabet Advent Calendar 1912

Day 19

S is for Shine

I believe we all have a unique purpose on this earth and alongside that we all have a light. We may have different watts, different sizes and shapes but it’s there. When I think about a light I think of excellence and doing something well or doing something to the best of our abilities. Not everyone’s light is needed for the big stage or to brighten the world but everyone is significant to the family they are born into or sent to, the street they live on, the schools they go to, jobs they do and so on.
I received a beautiful handmade card from a young person and I know the effort that must have went into that, as a result that person’s light came straight through and pierced my heart. I was so touched. My boy saw it and his heart melted also. It put a big smile on my face. That person may not have realised how significant that was for me at the moment but their purpose in that blessed me greatly. It might be a very small thing but it was massive for me.
Throughout my life I have had different duties and some great responsibilities which required lots of effort. One thing I learnt was when I don’t do something from my heart I’m not letting my light shine and usually it doesn’t turn out well. However when I switch on my light and do the most horrible task with a smile on my face there’s a massive difference. I’ve noticed that my light is then contagious as other people react accordingly.
As a mum letting my light shine is about setting an example and being the best that I can be. I have learnt that it’s important to do whatever I’m doing, well. My children are sponges and they absorb everything. They watch what I do. My son in particular mimics things I do and say. He is a lot more independent now and has his own mind so when I’m going off he won’t always copy me but instead he will correct me. This does help me to stay on the straight and narrow. My purpose is to be their mum and raise them in the way they need. My light needs to shine at home and I need to do my very best. That’s not always easy but when I give my all and shine there are amazing results.
Lil lady was born for the stage but there has been a time in her life whereby she hid away and didn’t like to show what I believe she was purposed to do. She also draws like something out of this world but she would hide all her drawings from everyone.
One day she came home from school quite upset because she had not be chosen for a main role in something. It broke my heart but then I had to confront her about it. She is great at lots of things and she does things amazingly but then she just expects people to read her mind know she can do things, she doesn’t always show people. Also when she is asked to do something she doesn’t demonstrate her greatness but instead gives a babyish version. I asked her, how would people know you can do something if you don’t do what you do in the best way you can? She thought about it and agreed to start doing things differently. I know she will not find this easy to do because certain things have become a habit so she will have to break the cycle but she’s going to try which is a big step.
Yesterday she read at a Carol service in her normal voice. I was proud not because she read amazingly but because she showed people the real her, rather than the babyish imposter. She read how she reads at home so in the way we know her to be which is sometimes a different person to the one she portrays. I know she loves the shock factor so I wonder if she does certain things and then brings out the real her to blow people away? It’s frustrating as a mum sometimes when I say she can do something and then she acts in the opposite way so I look like I’m lying. The challenges… I’m learning just to go with it a bit more and challenge her when necessary, because perhaps that’s part of her purpose too.
It’s Monday morning and some of us might be thinking arghhhh and sad that this day has come around again because we have to go to work. I love Mondays so I am usually happy about this day.

Things might not be going well at work for you and there may be a lot of grumpy people, but are you doing what you have assigned to do in the best way you can in the circumstances? Is there a lot of negativity? Are you generally a positive person but finding it hard to be? Well perhaps it’s time you shone your light of positivity back in and see what happens.
The sun and moon both have different jobs but also the same job. They both shine. The sun shines through the day and the moon reflects the light when it’s dark. The other stars help too. Without them all playing their part what would happen to the world? Think about it.
I believe we all have a part to play in this life. Like body parts our little toe is small but it still necessary to help us balance. If we have a light but don’t switch it on no matter how small it is, something that may need to benefit from it, will not.
You may have been born just to smile and with that smile you light up the room like that young person lit up my heart with his card.
Whatever you are purposed to do, please do it well and shine. It could make difference to everything. Even you!

Peace and love


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