Words to inspire Alphabet Advent Calendar 1812

Day 18

R is for Rejoice

Here’s what the dictionary states about it:

“To feel or show great joy or delight.”

Funnily enough I had a dream last night and I can’t remember everything that happened in the dream but I woke up singing a song called Rejoice. So when I started to reflect on what the word for today would be it was as if I had already been given it, so then why was I still looking for something else?

I used to do that a lot. I would be given something but because it wasn’t what I thought it should be I wouldn’t rejoice in it. I carry looking for something else that seem to fit in with my imagination. Sometimes we have been blessed with something but it was not what we asked for, so we don’t show joy for that things or delight in it. Instead we find lots of reason to moan about it and the situation.
On other occasions we are given things we expect so again we do not show joy or delight. Our expectation has been met and that’s that. On reflection we could actually be rather ungrateful sometimes.
I’m less of a moaner these days and I’m learning to rejoice in God for everything I have been given. I count my blessings often and then rejoice in them. I am grateful for the air I breathe without the use of any machines. I’m grateful for the family I have especially my children despite the challenges we face. Many people in the world are longing for this gift. I have jobs that I absolutely love. They may not pay the salary I’m used to but they are for a greater purpose and I’m so happy. Many people would long for these opportunities. I rejoice in them all.
I know I come across very positive most of the time. I have just learnt to rejoice in all circumstances of life. Even in the trials, I have learnt to rejoice because I know my victory will come even if it takes months and years. That’s my belief in my purpose. I am confident that things will end well even if they didn’t start well.

When my step son was murdered last year, I had to tell the children about their brother. It was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to say. Lil lady’s response was amazing. She told us not to cry but to be happy because God is loving so her brother is in heaven having fun. The faith of that child is mind-blowing, greater than mine has ever been. Every time I feel a bit sad about it, I hear her words and rejoice. I am always uplifted!

There are lots of reasons to rejoice today, lots and lots. Probably even more reasons than you will instantly think of. I rejoice in who I am and what I have. I also rejoice in the purposes that are yet to be revealed. Give it a go, count your blessings, think about everything you have and everything that you are and rejoice in them. We have life! Rejoice in life!

Happy Sunday.

Peace and love


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