Words to inspire Alphabet Advent Calendar 1712

Day 17

Q is for quiet time

It’s the weekend so the Alphabet Advent calendar seems to pick words or phrases which encourage people to do something for themselves in the midst of the busyness of life.
The definition of Quiet time for those with spiritual beliefs is a time of prayer and meditation. I also look at it as a time to be still and empty our minds of everything that has happened the previous day, weeks, months or year and then open our minds ready to receive new visions and a focus for the things ahead. Sometimes we hold onto unnecessary thoughts for too long and we just need to let them go.
Being good to yourself in my view is also about giving yourself some quiet time. I’ve never been a great fan of sleep but that’s not the only reason why I believe I get up so early. My children used to rise with the sun, thankfully this doesn’t happen so much now. However when this did happen, in order for me to get some ‘Me’ quiet time I had to be one step ahead and beat them and the sun rising.
I found that it is one of the most beautiful times of the day. When the birds are around, you can hear them singing a new song. I have received lots of inspiration at those times. During this Alphabet Advent Calendar season, my quiet time has also consisted of me finding the word of the day and mediating on it. Before the quiet time I have no idea what I am going to write but it flows thereafter.
My quiet time also starts off my creativity and productivity hour. At the moment I’m using that time to write this calendar and after Christmas, no doubt there will be something else. I find when I clear my brain I am able to find the memories or the stories I need for the day.
A quiet time could be a time to just stop. At this time of year we all race around getting ready for the festivities and our bodies and brains must be screaming sometimes. Therefore, I think it’s important to find time to relax and be quiet and rest everything.
Some of you might be thinking, yeah right that’s not going to happen with the life and family you have. Well I don’t buy that anymore, especially when I know that there are 86,400 seconds in a day. Surely we can use 900 seconds at the very least on ourselves in order to help refresh our minds?! We might need to wait for children to go to sleep or wake up before them to achieve this, but make you a priority.
I believe I’m on the spectrum too so I can find quiet time quite easily. I often tune out of the world. I can even do it when people are talking to me lol oops. I can’t take too much negativity in my life now, so when I’m hearing it I get into my quiet time mode and block it so my brain doesn’t absorb it. It is probably the reason why I can be positive a lot of the time.
Sometimes as people talk too much. When we are talking we are not making room for the thoughts and the messages we need to hear in the silence. Following on from yesterday, quiet time is important to help us explore and discover our purpose. When we are quiet we are able to assess what we are good at, draw on imaginary and identify certain the factors. In the noise and actions it is not easy to do that.
Make yourself a priority. If you pray, use that time to pray but also to stop so you can hear and receive. If you meditate, do that often. Whatever you do, find time for quiet time in the way you need it. Trust me it will transform you and help you to live and enjoy a purposeful life.

Peace and love


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