Words to inspire Alphabet Advent Calendar 1512

Day 15

O is for Overcome.

This is what she dictionary states about the word overcome:

1. succeed in dealing with (a problem or difficulty).
2. defeat (an opponent)
3. (of a feeling or emotion) overpower or overwhelm.

This is a great word that has been significant in my journey. In order to be free I had to first overcome some issues and problems that were caused by external factors and those I caused myself. Just like the second definition I had to battle with some things and I was my own opponent at times. I had to try and beat myself or the person that I had become but wasn’t who I needed to be. It was an overwhelming experience too.

When things have been deeply rooted it’s not always easy to pull them up. Sometimes you aren’t even aware that they exist so you don’t know what it is you need to overcome. One of the biggest things I needed to overcome was fear. The reason for this was I began to see myself turning into something good but I feared I would mess it up like I had done in the past. I feared that good things weren’t really for me and they would be stripped away so there was no point in trying. I feared being successful because I just thought that was too good to be true. That’s when the self-sabotaging thing came into play. When I could sense I was getting somewhere positive, because I didn’t think I deserved it, I would do something to prevent it from happening. I played with fire just so I would get burnt. That made more sense to me.
Lots of times I thought I could battle with God, ha-ha I know very silly. I treated God like my opponent. I didn’t believe I should be blessed with good things and I didn’t want to do the things I was given visions for because I didn’t believe I was worthy of those things.
Trust me, on reflection this was really messed up. I actually needed to overcome myself. I needed to overcome the negative views I had of myself, overcome what people said and did to me that sowed the seed of destruction. I had to overcome the stupid decisions I made and overcome the feeling of guilt for what I had caused. Basically, in order to become the Me I love now, I needed to overcome the Me of old.
Firstly I had to identify what the issues were. That took a while because I even tried to deny things to myself. I didn’t think some of the major things were a problem or I didn’t want them to go because that was all I knew and I didn’t think I would recognise my life without them.
Once I acknowledged those things, I had to decide that I was going to take them on and win. There were times when I didn’t think that was possible and I didn’t have the strength to fight. Thankfully I was given support in my fight. That’s the thing, I didn’t also realise at first. If it was my purpose to be free of certain things, I will be given the strength and the weapons to fight and win.
Lots of my battles were like the story of David and Goliath. I was fighting against giants but a few stones was all I needed but that just sounded ludicrous to me until I got on the battlefield.
It wasn’t easy and I cried and cried many times. When I knocked some giants down, I even grieved them. I wanted them back because I felt empty without them. Negativity filled me up so when it left it was like my vessel had run dry. However, I soon learnt to fill it up with good clean things.
To overcome, we may need to walk away from situations and circles of friends and even family that aren’t part of the next season. Not everyone can come with us where we are going next. They may have been our backbones but they still need to depart. I found that quite difficult. There were lots of people I was very very close to before but now I can’t tell you the last time I spoke to them. We haven’t had a falling out or anything, they have just moved in a different direction to where I am going.
Along with fear, overcoming loss was hard. When my mum passed on, I didn’t think I would ever overcome the pain that was caused. I still miss her everyday but I now understand that her assignment on this earth was completed but mine had only just started and for whatever reason I had to do it without her being on earth with me but I believe she’s still interceding on my behalf. I find comfort in that.
Are there things in your life, you know you need to overcome in order to be free to enjoy a purposeful life? Are there things you aren’t sure about or frightened of letting go of? If you need someone to talk to about it, please seek that right resource. Please don’t hang onto things that don’t belong because you are afraid to fight them because you don’t think you are equipped. All you need will already be in your hands. There’s nothing too difficult! All things are possible.
We have been given power, grab your stones. We shall overcome!

Peace and love



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