Words to inspire Alphabet Advent Calendar 0912

Day 9

I is for Invest

Ok… no this is not going to be a financial health check. I’m not the one to do that. However it’s a wellbeing health check. It’s Friday, the weekend starts this evening and it’s nearly the end of the week. What are you doing for you? What investment are you making for you? What are you depositing to ensure that you enjoy yourself?
I used to be one of those parents who always made sure that the children looked fantastic, ate well and were jolly but I would give myself the bottom of the barrel. I’m still the kind of parent that ensures my children are the top of the game but I’m now up there with them. They can’t belong to me if they are great but I’m a hot mess. Yes our children are usually an improvement on us but we are still worthy of taking care of ourselves too.
My close friends will know that I hated make-up, didn’t like dressing up, as for taking pictures of myself, hardly ever. I didn’t always like what I saw so I didn’t want people to see. That’s a thing of the past now, thank God.
I did have to decide to invest in me for the change to happen. I invested time so I could do the things I liked doing. I invested some of our money to ensure I could have clothes that made me feel good or instruments so I could develop my craft. The return was great. Happier healthier me!
One of my close friends told me off once because I was debating the cost of vitamin tablets that I needed to help me to sustain my lifestyle. I didn’t think about the investment in to myself but if it was my children there would be no questions asked. I wouldn’t even debate it, I would have just bought them and that’s that. Now I understand that I also deserve the best!
I constantly invest lots of time in to helping others but I used to put myself and my needs at the bottom of the list. Although, helping people did make me feel good too. Nevertheless, one day I woke up and decided actually no! It was all wrong. I had to push myself higher up the list. If my mental health and wellbeing was poor how could I inspire others to enrich theirs? Let’s get real, we wouldn’t take financial advice from someone who is always broke. So if I’m broken, best to get fixed rather than investing what I don’t have. When I’m well I have more to give.
I’ve had lots of compliments especially from children and young people who have told me I’m the best or I’m very good at something. I’m very modest so I just accept it quietly. However, without a doubt I am the best I’ve ever been, because I have invested in me.
For my spiritual wellbeing I have to invest time and effort into praise and worship, prayer and reading. If i’m honest I’m not always good at that but I know the difference in me when I make that investment.
For us to feel happier about ourselves, we might need to follow a new eating plan, go to the gym, read more, write more, play music and so on. All of those things require time and effort, some require money. Do you deserve the profit that will come from it? I think we all do! So invest in you!
Happy Friday.

Peace and love



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