Words to inspire Alphabet Advent Calendar 0812

Day 8
H is for Hope

When I was processing this word I looked up what the dictionary said about it. Here’s what I got: A feeling of expectation or desire for something to happen or a feeling of trust.
I went on to look up different acronyms for the word HOPE and found some of my favourites. ‘Have Only Positive Expectations’, ‘Hold On Pain Ends’, ‘Help Open People’s Eyes’, ‘Hold Onto Prayer Everyday’ and ‘He Offers Peace Eternally’.

This is the time of year lots of people exercise the word hope. We hope for a better year in 2017, we may have hope that this year comes to an end with no more disasters. Some of us, especially us that work in Education are hoping that the next few weeks go quickly so we can finish school and have a break.
Sometimes we hope for things and the things we hope for don’t come true so we give up on hoping for everything entirely. I’ve been there, however what happened every time was maybe not what I wished for but something that was actually loads better for me and beyond my imagination. I learnt, just because the things I hoped for didn’t come true, doesn’t mean I needed to give up believing for good things.
There are lots of mysteries in life and I have no idea why some things have happened when I hoped for different things. However, although it doesn’t make sense at the time I’m sure it will one day.
I was reflecting on my children’s journey last night. When they were both diagnosed with ASD, at first the hopes and dreams I had for them were shattered in my mind. Well this wasn’t for long to be honest. I got a grip and put my faith and hope in the Almighty and trusted that everything would still be amazing. Looking at them now, omg! I’m so glad I didn’t give up hope and watch life pass them by.
The last 18 months have been very tough for us as a family especially with everything around the murder of my step son. We had to Hold On believing the Pain will End. We Had Only Positive Expectations for the murder trial. We knew there would be some justice, but there were just so many delays. We actually didn’t hope for the accused to get a life sentence we just wanted him to accept he had done wrong and there be a consequence for the actions. Thank God that was achieved. The pain is ending.

Like faith I personally think, hope may require some action too. We can hope for things but we may also need to do something and trust that there will be a positive outcome. We may have to make that call, we may have to call for a meeting, we might have start going out to different places to meet new people. We might have to sign up on some of those online sites. Yes I can see lots of my friends throwing things at the screen right now. Sorry!
We might have a dream but now it doesn’t look likely. It could just be that we saw the wrong faces in the dream but that doesn’t mean that dream won’t come true.
If your dreams don’t seem to be coming true, please still have hope the right plan for you will. Please just don’t give up hope entirely. It might tarry but it will surely come.
Keep hope alive.

Peace and love



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