Words to inspire Alphabet Advent Calendar 0712

Day 7.

G is for Grateful

I don’t do it that much now but I used to be one of those moaners. The one who would join in the work politics and moan about all the issues at work, issues of life and issues with the universe.
I’m pretty sure that caused me to be quite sour at times. Now my life isn’t full of that I have a different outlook. I have lightened the heck up. I’m also more free now.
There are lots of things I would like to improve in my life but right now there is so much that is simply beautiful when I consider it deeply.
I’m grateful that I have life and for the air I breathe. I have watched close family members who need tubes to breathe whereas I can open my nostrils and let it in. I had a conversation with my sis the other day and we were reflecting on life. She was with me in the hospital when I had the life threatening incident. It was touch and go at one point and bless her, she had to watch that. I’m still here! I’m grateful for that!
I’m grateful for my family, despite the challenges we have faced and continue to face, we are here and we’re still together and strong.
I’m grateful I have a roof over my head, food to eat. Actually the reasons to be grateful are endless and when thinking about it, they out-way the reasons that cause misery.
It’s really cold at the moment and I hate the cold and I complain about it a lot. However, when I get in my car I can put the heating on full blast, I can wear a coat and gloves and get over myself. Many people don’t have that luxury.
As I’ve said previously, us moaners could probably find everything that is wrong but ignore everything that it right. Our lives might not be perfect, it is a #workingprogress but I’m pretty sure we have a lot to be grateful for.
I’m grateful as we count down to Christmas. We can celebrate it freely. Many can’t and this is also a difficult time of year for many people too. My thoughts are with them.
I’m grateful for the Christmas story that the king left his throne to come as a baby. He lived and then died to save his people. We didn’t earn it or deserve but it was done. For that I’m grateful.
I’m grateful for every part of my life. I’m taking the rough with the smooth. The negative situations have also helped to shape me as a person. I’m not thankful that those things happened but I’m grateful I have overcome them and I’m still here to tell the tale.
I’ve made a decision that I’m going to moan less and be grateful more. Try it! It might lift your mood as it lifts mine.
Grateful for life.

Peace and love



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