Words to inspire Alphabet Advent Calendar 0412

D is for Delight
As I processed it, it came with two other words ‘in you.’ So the phrase of the day is ‘Delight in you’.

I bet if I asked you to name 10 things about yourself that you aren’t happy with you could answer in a flash. However, if I asked you 10 things you are pleased with, it will take a bit longer. Personally, I think as a society we are programmed to look at negative things first and look to change them rather than looking at what is good and ways to develop it and make it even better. Actually we could be saying the same thing but we take the negative approach first.
I’ll give you an example. I could say:
“When I put lip gloss on my lips they shine more and look smooth.”
But I was more likely to say:
“I need some gloss cos my lips look dry and crusty without it.”
I used to be very good at looking at what I was doing wrong rather than being pleased about what I was doing right. There was so much that was good about my life but I would zone in on the bad. I don’t do that so much now.
I may have told this story before but I did some confidence building and self esteem building work with my boy a couple of years ago. I made him write a mind map/ spidergram about all the things he was good at and about his great characteristic. I also made him look in the mirror every morning for weeks and tell himself who he was and what he was rather than what he wasn’t. Boy oh boy, did that transform his thinking. He’s still progressing but he is less likely to listen and absorb negative opinions of others about him. When he does slip I simply say go and look in the mirror and tell yourself who you are. It works like a dream. I actually need to try it for myself when negative thoughts creep in.
Our lives are a process and I believe we are under construction always. Perfection in reality isn’t likely for us humans. We can strive for it and head in that direction but perhaps not reach it until this life is over. So I challenge you to delight in you are now! Acknowledge who you are, be pleased with who you are so far and what you have achieved to date. I’m not saying do not continue to work on yourself but I’m saying just don’t be so negative about yourself but please start with the positives. Renew your mind and delight in you first!

Peace and love



Delight in you

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