Words to inspire Alphabet Advent Calendar 021216

Words to inspire alphabet advent calendar.
Day 2:

The word of the day is Be. Yes that’s right Be! Not bee, just be. I know it’s a strange one for inspiration but actually I think it’s such a significant word.
Those who know me well, may describe me as a visionary. I do have the gift whereby I have visions for new things regularly. Some of them I ignore until I have no choice but to act, some I leap in too quickly and they don’t work out as good as I imagined. There are some for the now which I act on at the appropriate time and they absolutely blow my mind, but some things are made for another time and I have to exercise patience and wait for the appointed time.
The last one is the hardest for me because some things take years to birth and they need years to produce the fruits. At times that caused me great levels of frustration, but over the last year it has become much easier because I have learnt to just BE. When I say just BE, I don’t mean I sit and do nothing. I’m still doing something but I’m no longer anxious for anything because I believe it will come when it’s meant to.
The other day, one of my friends mentioned that she has noticed that my life seems to be running at a different pace than before. That is somewhat true but not entirely. I am just learning to BE in the moment too and finding ways to enjoy where I am, on the way to where I’m going. I’m not in a hurry. I acknowledge when I’m on the training ground and do not try to push things to happen before their time. I’m still absolutely driven but just driving a different car with a different size engine – metaphorically speaking. I am still forward thinking but not so much that I don’t enjoy life of today.
In order to BE I have to exist and BE present. I’m not letting life pass me by. I am making sure my life is fruitful and fulfilled. Like I’ve said previously, not everything will be groundbreaking at all times but I believe everything has a part to play in my personal journey and will lead to the final destination.
To BE is also about exploring and finding who you are and living your life, BEing who you were created to BE. We need others to inspire us sometimes but we don’t need to try to replicate someone else’s journey because it looks good. It might not work for us in the same way. It’s important to acknowledge our own and live it well.
BE prepared that things in your life could change at anytime. Oh boy, I know what that is like. The changes were not to harm me, although at the time certain things were questionable. However those changes have helped me to grow and shaped my character.
Sometimes we might be in the state where we question, what is the point? I have been there many times. But by God’s grace I’ve understood that the point might not be made known now but one day even beyond this life it will all make sense. Therefore, I can’t give up on BEing and have one foot in the next life longing to be there just because I don’t understand this one. We will get there at the appointed time.
Today, please BE here, BE present, BE happy and simply BE!

Peace and love



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