Words to inspire advent calendar 011216

1st December. Time for advent calendars. So I decided to do a word to inspire advent calendar with the letters of the alphabet. Each day there will be a word that starts with the next letter in the alphabet as we count down to Christmas Day. I know there are 26 letters in the alphabet so on Christmas Eve I will cover XYZ together or pick one of those and Christmas Day I will return to my favourite letter J!
I kick off the word to inspire advent calendar with two words beginning with A that can work together. They are ‘Acknowledge’ and ‘Amazing’.
In the past modesty used to trip me up. In addition to that I used to belittle my journey and what was currently happening and what I had been through. To me it wasn’t always something I wanted to sing and dance about or even tell anyone about. I didn’t think there was anything interesting or great about me or my journey until I actually vocalised it and people would say “What? Wow! You’re amazing!” I would often get offended by that and say no, the Almighty is I’m not. But actually when I finally acknowledged that I was made amazing for His glory, I began to accept when people would say that.
Lots of you may think, well there’s nothing amazing about me. Well… please just take a minute to look at what you do from day to day and acknowledge you are amazing. Are you raising your children either on your own or in a couple? You are amazing. Do you do things to help others? You are amazing. Do you raise special needs children, look after elderly or disabled relatives? You are amazing. Do you have a health condition or an additional need that you live with? You are amazing! Have you finished primary school, secondary school, college or uni in one piece? Do you have a roof over your head? Are you able to buy food? Do you have breath? You are amazing!!!
Just because you don’t view your experiences as groundbreaking doesn’t mean you are not amazing and aren’t doing amazing things everyday. Other people will listen to the story of what you do from the moment you wake up until the moment you go to sleep and think “wow amazing.”
Even if things don’t seem to be going well for you at the moment, just remember everything has a season. Meanwhile, please acknowledge that you are AMAZING and celebrate it.

Peace and love



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