Words to inspire 251116

Words to inspire:

I’ve just got a few words today. Well, fewer than usual. As a family it’s been a tough few years but even in the midst of turmoil we had to find some happiness. Sometimes we had to create our own happiness and find reasons to laugh.
I used hate smiling. Sometimes smiling got me in a lot of trouble. No idea why lol. One day my sis told me to start smiling more irrespective of what was happening. I can’t explain it but that day I took her advice there was a transformation in my life. Now I smile a lot and find reasons to laugh. It brings joy to my soul and my soul is well. Sometimes it was hard but when I did it, my heart beamed.
If you can do anything this weekend, please find time to smile, laugh and be happy. I promise you, it will lift your spirits.

Peace and love


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