Words to inspire 241116

Words to inspire:
Over the last few days, lots of people in my family and those that I’m close to have celebrated their birthdays. Some are celebrating milestones like 30, 18 and 10 while others are still only little celebrating 2 years or 6 years. They are all on different parts of their journey and some of them have been through so much in such a short space of time.
I give thanks for them all and I’m so blessed to be part of their journey in some way. This also made me reflect on how precious life is. We do not know the day or the season when we will depart this life so what are we doing?
Yesterday a consultant diagnosed me with what he referred to as a genetic disorder. It’s something I’ve lived with my whole life but I haven’t taken much notice of the symptoms because they didn’t seem serious. It wasn’t until I was admitted into hospital for what the consultant stated was the worse reaction of the disorder, did I become mindful of things. That was a life threatening episode.
The consultant has prescribed me with medication for pretty much long term and I will be tested for other things too. I didn’t come out of that hospital room with a ‘woe is me’ attitude. I was actually quite thankful for answers and ways to control it. I could curl up in a ball and be miserable or I can be thankful that I still have breath and carry on enjoying life. Guess which way I’m going to go?
Life is so precious but it’s also for living. Enjoy, don’t let it pass you by.

Peace and Love



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