Words to inspire 231116

Words to inspire:

Some of us don’t really have a choice but to be superheroes in life. We are called to be the rock in our families or the ones that hold things up. Sometimes we weren’t called to do everything though, but because we are control freaks we don’t let anyone else in to do it.
Lil lady came into the bathroom this morning while I was in the shower to ask me to help her with something. She needed it done at that precise moment. I told her to ask her dad to help her. Her reply was “Daddy isn’t good at that.” That made me think. I did that! So I replied, “How do you know if you have never asked him?” She thought about it for a second and the trotted off to ask him. Did he help her with it? Of course he did.
We used to have the habit of giving the impression that only certain people can do certain things. The children used to be the same with me about cooking. They would ask their dad what’s for dinner. That wasn’t because I can’t cook, it was just because MrJK is better at it so didn’t used to let me do it as much. I was also busy saving the world that was one less thing to worry about. Now that’s all changed.
Sometimes we just don’t allow others to try because we think/know we do it better. But why should it always be about who does better? As long as it gets done. Superheroes can delegate! Batman has a Robin.
Some of us also think we have to save the world all of the time too. I used to do that a lot. I knew I had a gift for something so I felt I needed to continue doing certain things even though it started becoming uncomfortable because that season was over. I found it hard to make decisions to stop certain things to give myself space for ‘me time’ and my family. I worried about letting people down and actually when I told those people, even those that weren’t happy and made me feel a little bad, understood why I needed to make those decisions. Seasons change.
It’s also ok for superheroes to tell people “No I can’t do that right now.” Even if you have the capacity to. They will find someone else if it’s meant to be.
Even superman took off his costume to do other things. He wasn’t saving the world all day, everyday. We can’t be everything to everyone all of the time. In order to do that we would have to neglect ourselves and things in our own lives will start to fall apart or we get ill. We can’t be in lots of different places at one time either. Only the greatest superhero is capable of that. Let’s not get it twisted we are human, and physically it hasn’t been made possible.
I salute all you fellow superheroes because you do an amazing job. Nevertheless, you will be even more amazing if you helped yourself too.

Peace and love



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