Words to inspire 181116

Words to inspire:

My children have a typical sibling relationship. Sometimes they get on each other’s nerves and they fight and other times they are the best of friends helping each other with something.

When on the beach I watched them grab hold of each other’s hands, run down to the waves and kick them together. My lil man is not fond of the water. A bath is where he usually draws the line, so it was surprising that he went as far in the water as he did. Whereas lil lady loves anything to do with water and she will be in there all day if we let her. There was something about their different qualities that were brought together to make both of them have fun.

I haven’t been always good at accepting a helping hand, mainly because rejection and me weren’t good friends. If I ask and someone says no, omg that would bother me till the end. I won’t be asking again from anyone in case they said no too. At times that could be a lonely isolated place though.
I don’t actually believe that any of us are meant to do this life alone. However, previously I probably made people believe I didn’t need any help so the help was not on offer.
I remember the first day lil lady was invited over my friend’s (who I call sis) house without me. OMG I could have cried. That was the first time we actually accepted a helping hand with her but that was the first time it was offered. Perhaps that was our fault too, but that day was life changing. Sometimes we carry on thinking we can do it alone so why ask or include anyone else? Yes we could do it without help because MrJK and I are an awesome team but did we have full enjoyment by not getting a break sometimes? No! When we received that support we realised that life is more beautiful with that helping hand.

I know due to the history of sexual abuse in my life we initially found it difficult to trust others with our children. MrJK watched me battle those issues for years so there was no way he would want his children to face that. I too was a little scared that it could potentially happen to them especially because they were so vulnerable. I know, that could be seen as a little negative but I didn’t know any different.

Sometimes people are set up to help us enjoy life but we don’t always let them due to things we may have encountered previously. A heavy load carried by two is better than a load carried on the back of one. It could cause a severe back injury.

We might think how will they possibly be of any help to increase our enjoyment, they don’t even like the water neither can they swim. My lil lady had more fun with her brother who doesn’t like the water and can’t swim than on her own because together they came up with sometime that worked and he helped her to jump higher over the waves.

In life sometimes we need to be cautious of who you accept help from but also be careful not to turn everyone away whether consciously or unconsciously. They may be those hands sent to help you enjoy life.

Peace and love


Sibling hands



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