Words to inspire 171116

Words to inspire:

When out fruit picking we always stop by to feed the pigs. When we do that, I always think there’s a message here. I find messages everywhere.
Farm animals can eat from the fields around them but they are also reliant on their owners to bring them food to eat. Lil lady loves feeding the pigs and watches them all hurry towards whatever she scatters. Unlike wild animals they do not have to go hunting for their meals. The earth and their owners provide it.
Sadly some may end up on people’s plates but that may be their purpose as part of the circle of life.
What I want to draw upon is the fact that there are times we have to go hunting for things but then there are other times when we have done everything humanly possible so our reliance remains with the creator. The outcome may not be what we thought but no matter what, it will eventually be ok.
There are lots of mysteries in life and we might not find the answer to those questions in this life but I have learnt to trust that things will be ok.
I never thought I could live a happy life without my mum being around. I miss her everyday but I am ok. There’s a plan. I don’t always understand it but I trust that it will be ok. Its not always easy but I understand that I can’t control everything and have everything the way I think it should be. I’m a lot more peaceful in life now, irrespective of the tragedies that have come. Trusting that everything will be ok is working for me. I’m free.

Peace and love



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